ART 2420 Ceramics II

This is an intermediate course in the exploration of wheel-thrown and hand-built techniques of ceramics, with further experimentation in glazes and firing. Design principles will be emphasized in this studio class. In addition, students will be encouraged to continue developing techniques and concepts related to ceramics. Prerequisite: Completion of ART 2410 or instructor's permission. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW.

Major Topics

  • Using elements and principles
  • Firing Kilns
  • Clay and Glaze Formulation
  • Developing Work


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Develop an ability to use elements and principles of design as they relate to three-dimensional work as tools to create works of art.

2. Use tools and techniques learned in the beginning ceramics as a platform to construct and develop more complex forms.

3. Build knowledge to fire their work in electric, gas and wood kilns through direct supervision and hands-on experience.

4. Critique personal work as well as the work of others using a variety of critique models, including the use of "Constructive" Criticism.

5. Demonstrate benefits of looking and seeking out historical and contemporary works of art to glean information and insight to use in their own work.