ART 2345 Art Metal Casting

This course is an examination of the bronze casting processes in sculpture. Students will learn the lost wax and sand casting methods, as well as the finishing procedures for their bronze sculptures. The development of ideas and concepts are encouraged through theory, criticism, and historical reference. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Additive and subtractive processes in wax
  • Lost wax burn out process
  • Ceramic shell process
  • Bronze casting process
  • Manipulating bronze by hand grinders
  • Patina


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Sculpt wax.

2. Cast bronze.

3. Finish a bronze casting with surface treatments.

4. Create artwork using a variety of historical and contemporary artists and artworks.

5. Speak about the artwork of historical and contemporary artists, fellow students, and personal artwork. Assessment: Participate in critiques of class projects and in-class lectures/discussions.

6. Talk about a sculptor and his/her artwork.

7. Make aesthetic and intellectual judgments on sculptural themes