ART 2230 Painting III

This is an advanced course in painting. Students are encouraged to explore different paint media (oil, acrylic, watercolor, etc.) or to focus on a specific medium of choice. Continued development of techniques and concepts related to painting will be encouraged. Specific emphasis will be placed on development of focused thematic content. Prerequisite: Completion of ART 2220 or instructor's permission. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Equivalent to UW

Major Topics

  • Elements and Principles of Art (1.Line 2.Color 3.Value 4.Shape 5.Texture)
  • Painting Materials and techniques
  • Composition
  • The language of art/painting
  • Historical and Contemporary approaches in painting from diverse cultures


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Use paint to render form in pictorial space. Direct observation will be used to develop a proper ability to translate and understand physical and pictorial space.

2. Compose (using the elements and principles) within the painting format

3. Discuss and critique their own work as well as the work of others using the language of art

4. Practice the techniques associated with, and properties of, color and paint

5. Study historical and contemporary painters and paintings from various cultures