ART 2141 Professional Practice in the Arts

This course is designed to provide a foundation of practical information to assist students in building a successful professional career in the visual arts. Students will research practical application of professional practices and business skills. Topics include locating and using arts information, career planning, and business practices specific to the visual arts. (1 lect.)


1 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Taking control of showing your work.
  • Documenting work.
  • How to present work to art professionals, prospective schools, or clients.
  • How to write a resume.
  • The business end of art; taxes, bills, expenses, etc.
  • Educational opportunities.
  • Where and how to find organizations, agencies, resources, and services for artists.


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Identify their niche or place within the art world and develop a plan for their career.

2. Demonstrate an ability to properly present themselves to art professionals, prospective schools, or clients.

3. Demonstrate an ability to professionally document their artwork.

4. Write a critical review of a professional art show.

5. Demonstrate the ability to properly locate, research, and complete application materials specific to the visual arts.

6. Students will demonstrate an ability to understand the business aspect of the art world, i.e. taxes, copyright laws, records, etc. Lectures, guest speakers, and the textbook will all be used to provide the appropriate information.