ART 2150 Color Photography I

This is a course in color photography with both lecture and lab work on camera use, reflective versus transmissive, and color theory as it applies to light. Study will emphasize the use of light and composition. The development of ideas and concepts are encouraged through theory, criticism, and historical reference. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Color Theory
  • Kelvin Scale
  • Color Correction


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Define the basic types of color temperature

2. Explain the characteristics of reflective versus transmissive and their intended use.

3. Understand the correlation of color temperature, the Kelvin scale and color theory.

4. Principles of Design

5. Take a series of images incorporating all of the above objectives

6. Critique their own artwork as well as the artwork of fellow students

7. Discuss contemporary and historical