Environmental Science (B.S.)

Program Overview

The environmental science curriculum provides a strong background for students planning a career in the environmental field. It is the recommended major for students who will enter graduate programs in such fields as ecology, environmental science, environmental law, environmental public policy, regional planning, landscape architecture, conservation biology, & the marine sciences.

It also provides an excellent background for those planning to directly enter the rapidly expanding environmental job market after college. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary curriculum drawing heavily from biology and chemistry with important contributions also from ethics, theology, economics, and mathematics.

The recommended first-year curriculum for the environmental science major is identical to the biology major in order to provide maximum flexibility for students. An important feature included in the environmental science curriculum is the encouraged participation at AuSable Institute of Environmental Studies, located in northern Michigan. Information on the AuSable program is available from the Department Office or your environmental science advisor.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Environmental Science program can:

  1. Understand the nature of science, biological molecules, cell structure and function, enzymes, metabolism, and classical and molecular genetics.
  2. Understand the diversity of animal life; comparative aspects of development, physiology, morphology; life history, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary biology of animals.
  3. Understand the diversity of plants; flowering plant anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and ecology; distribution of major plant communities with global climate patterns; biogeochemical cycles.
  4. Understand hereditary mechanisms: linkage, gene interactions and regulation, molecular genetics, mutations, and development.
  5. Understand interactions of organisms at the species, community, and ecosystem levels; evidences for modern evolutionary thought in the context of a Christian world view.
  6. Understand theoretical structure and philosophical assumptions of environmental science.
  7. Understand human impact on above systems and potential responses from a Christian Stewardship world view.
  8. Participate in investigative-style laboratory experiences.
  9. Learn to work as teams in conducting laboratory and field research.
  10. Participate in intentional writing skills development within the major.
  11. Application and extension of basic field and laboratory skills.
  12. Present research results to an audience (e.g., in-class, on-campus, symposia, off-campus venues).
  13. Demonstrate skill in use of software such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and ArcGIS in analysis and reporting of scientific data.
  14. Demonstrate proficiency in basic field and laboratory techniques (e.g., microscopy, dissection, wetland delineation, plant identification, and radio telemetry).
  15. Demonstrate familiarity with essential laboratory and field safety protocols.
  16. Search the biological literature and retrieve papers from journals.
  17. Compose technical lab reports in format similar to scientific journals and reports similar in format to government and consulting reports.
  18. Demonstrate familiarity with options for employment, voluntary service, and/or graduate education in environmental science.
  19. Understand the inter-relatedness of living organisms & humanity’s calling to creation stewardship.
  20. Understand various models that relate science and Christian faith.
  21. Appreciate historical, philosophical, and ethical aspects of Environmental Sciences.

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

BIOL 160Molecular and Cellular Biology


BIOL 161Animal Form and Function


BIOL 162Plant Form and Function


BIOL 260Genetics and Development


BIOL 262Ecology and Adaptation


BIOL 271Ecological Field Techniques


BIOL 274Environmental Science


BIOL 315Environmental Ethics


CHEM 105General Chemistry I


CHEM 106General Chemistry II


CHEM 204Introduction to Organic Chemistry


CHEM 240Environmental Chemistry


GIS 245Introduction to Geographic Information Systems


STAT 269Introductory Statistics


BIOL 262: Fulfills Writing Enriched course requirement for Major.

BIOL 274: Students wishing to transfer this requirement from other institutions must work carefully with the Registrar’s Office as it meets BOTH a major and a QuEST requirement for STW.

CHEM 204, CHEM 240: All Environmental Science majors must take CHEM 204 and CHEM 240. Those students intending to enter graduate school and whose work will involve a significant amount of chemical emphasis should substitute CHEM 309, CHEM 310 for CHEM 204.

Four credits from the following:

BIOL 321Mycology


BIOL 332Plant Taxonomy


Four credits from the following:

BIOL 356Ornithology


BIOL 358Herpetology


Three credits from the following:

BIOL 495/CHEM 495Capstone: Natural Sciences


SUST 495Sustainability Capstone


Six credits from the following* (6):

BIOL 269Ecology of Florida


BIOL 290Topics in Field Biology


BIOL 297Tropical Biology: Latin Amerca


BIOL 332Plant Taxonomy


BIOL 334Plant Ecology


BIOL 335Plant Propagation


BIOL 348Animal Behavior


BIOL 356Ornithology


BIOL 358Herpetology


BIOL 362Aquatic Zoology



BIOL 381Microbiology



BIOL 382Microbiology for Health Professions



BIOL 391Biology Practicum


IDCC 260Cross Cultural Studies

0 - 3

* All Environmental Science majors are encouraged to complete one course at AuSable Institute. AuSable courses can count only as elective credit. Majors are encouraged to do an internship and/or research experience.

Three to four credits from the following:

MATH 108Intuitive Calculus with Applications


MATH 111Calculus I


Three credits from the following:

PHIL 101Problems in Philosophy


PHIL 102History of Philosophy


QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
First Year Seminar 3
Oral Communication 3
Created and Called for Community (W) 3
Mathematical Sciences (MATH 108 or MATH 111) met/major
Laboratory Science (BIOL 160, BIOL 161, BIOL 162 or CHEM 105) met/major
Science, Technology & the World waived
Two of the following (six credits total):
   Social Science
   European History
   United States History
Literature 3
Philosophy and Religion (PHIL 101 or PHIL 102) met/major
Arts 3
First Semester of Language 3
Second Semester of Language 3
Third Semester of Language or Cross Cultural 3
Non-Western Studies 2-3
Bible 3
Christian Beliefs 3
Wellness course 1
Ethics, World Views or Pluralism (BIOL 315) met/major
QuEST requirements 39-40
Major requirements 70-71
Free electives 14-12
Total credits 123