Registered Nurse to Master of Science in Nursing Program (RN to MSN)



The RN to MSN program provides a unique option for those students who want to continue their education after completing their associates or diploma degree in nursing and earning their RN license that ultimately results in achieving an MSN degree. The program is offered in an online learning environment and allows students to work full-time while continuing to pursue their educational goals. The program offers students 32-39 block credits for their associate or diploma degree in nursing, in addition to credit for any previously completed and required general education coursework. The student completes 18 credit hours of bachelor level nursing coursework and any remaining, required general education coursework. Upon completion of bachelor level coursework, students enter the MSN program and complete 36 credit hours of MSN Program coursework with a focus in Nursing Education or Nursing Leadership. This program option incorporates the AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) Essentials as the framework for the curriculum.

Explanation for Baccalaureate Equivalency for Graduates of the RN to MSN Degree

The RN to MSN program of study option is available for registered nurses who hold an associate degree or diploma in nursing who want to earn an MSN with a focus in Nursing Education or Nursing Leadership. Graduates do not earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), but are required to successfully complete certain baccalaureate nursing coursework and the RN to MSN Bridge course prior to entering the MSN coursework. Upon completion of the RN to MSN program, students will have earned a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree which assumes a Baccalaureate Equivalent degree. The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) identify the MSN as a higher degree than a BSN and provides academic achievement that is beyond a BSN. The student can use the MSN transcript as a BSN equivalent if the need arises. This is further supported by the incorporation of the AACN Essentials into the curriculum as noted above. 

Mission Statement

Mercy College of Ohio Division of Nursing prepares quality graduates to care for and serve diverse populations within healthcare systems reaching persons of our communities and global environment through critical thinking, clinical judgement, and scholarship with the evolution and implementation of evidence-based practice. The Division of Nursing inspires students to dedicate themselves to service, intellectual inquiry, social engagement, leadership, and lifelong learning in the spirit of the Mercy values. Through graduate education, the Division of Nursing provides graduates with a greater understanding of the discipline of nursing in order to engage in higher-level practice and leadership in a variety of settings and to commit to lifelong learning.

Program Learning Outcomes

Undergraduate Coursework Program Learning Outcomes

  • Integrate knowledge from nursing and other disciplines as the basis for clinical judgment.
  • Apply quality improvement strategies to promote a culture of safety.
  • Incorporate evidence-based practice to ensure effective nursing care.
  • Use informatics and healthcare technologies to manage and improve the delivery of nursing and health care services.
  • Demonstrate leadership strategies within the complex healthcare system to recognize and influence health policies and laws.
  • Collaborate in interprofessional partnerships to optimize health.
  • Provide health promotion and disease prevention interventions to improve population health outcomes.
  • Incorporate professional and ethical behavior, the commitment to lifelong learning, and professional values into nursing practice.
  • Provide holistic care to diverse populations across the lifespan.

Graduate Coursework Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the values of compassion, excellence, human dignity, justice, sacredness of life, and service within the advanced nursing practice role.
  • Employ holistic critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning to guide nursing actions in advanced nursing practice situations.
  • Develop articulate communication skills for use in client care, teambuilding, advanced practice, education, research, and leadership.
  • Function as a leader in advanced nursing practice.
  • Integrate scholarship into advanced professional practice through intellectual inquiry, generating scholarly activities, and unique nursing knowledge through research, and applying new knowledge to advanced nursing practice.
  • Demonstrate professional expertise in knowledge development, clinical practice, research, systems leadership, and communication technologies.
  • Synthesize and integrate knowledge from nursing and relevant sciences to influence quality care in advanced nursing practice that affects healthcare outcomes across varied populations.

Admission Requirements


General College Admission Requirements

The following are Mercy College of Ohio admissions requirements.  Admission to the College does not guarantee admission to a program. Admission requirements are subject to change. Students should contact the Office of Admissions or consult for the most up-to-date information.

One of the following are required for admission to Mercy College of Ohio:

  • An earned diploma from an accredited high school or a home-schooled program in a college preparatory course of study with a cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher, OR
  • A general equivalence diploma (GED) recipient with a score of 500 (score of 53 prior to 2002).
  • Additional documentation may be required for College Credit Plus or Non-degree Seeking Students.

Registered Nurse to Master of Science in Nursing Program Admission Requirements

In addition to meeting college admission requirements above, the following Registered Nurse to Master of Science in Nursing Program admission requirements must be met:

There are three pathways to enter the RN to MSN Program depending on your educational record, review of required documentation, and candidate status.

Please Note: New candidates must first apply for admission to the College.

Candidates must submit a Graduate Application with RN to MSN Program selected, meet the following criteria, and submit the following documentation:

  1. Possess a degree in nursing at the associate or diploma level from an institution: 
    1. with a professional accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (CNEA), and
    2. that is approved/accredited by a historically regional accreditor.
  2. Submit official transcripts of previous associate or diploma nursing degree coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale (Pathway 1), or minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0/4.0 scale (Pathway 2) and a conferred associate or diploma degree in nursing.
  3. Block Credit/Transfer Credit: Applicants may receive block credit for a previously earned college degree or diploma in nursing from an accredited program. The Office of Student Records will review the transcript and determine the number of block credit hours that will be granted ranging from 32-39 credit hours for previous nursing coursework in an associate degree or diploma program. Submit other official transcripts for review for general education transfer credit.
  4. Registered Nurse (RN) License Verification of an active, unencumbered RN license.
  5. Submit a current professional resume or curriculum vitae.

Pathway 1:

This option is available for new candidates with an acceptable review of required documentation who have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale or higher from their associate or diploma nursing program.

  1. Candidate will be granted full admission into the RN to MSN Program.
  2. Candidate must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale on the undergraduate general education and RN to MSN baccalaureate nursing coursework to remain eligible to continue into the graduate nursing coursework.
  3. Candidate in Pathway 1 will need to complete the RN to MSN Candidacy Form only if their cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0/4.0 scale in the general education and RN to MSN baccalaureate nursing coursework.

Pathway 2:

This option is available for new candidates with an acceptable review of required documentation who have earned a cumulative GPA of 2.0-2.9 from their associate or diploma nursing program. This will be a two-step process in which the candidate will first complete the required undergraduate coursework listed below, then submit an RN to MSN Candidacy Form to be reviewed for approval to begin the graduate coursework.

Admission requirements for RN to MSN Program

  1. Candidate will be granted admission into the RN to MSN Program contingent upon completing the coursework outlined in step 2, and cumulative GPA.
  2. Complete required undergraduate general education coursework and RN to MSN baccalaureate nursing coursework for the following courses NUR 304, NUR 324, NUR 374, NUR 384, NUR 414, and NUR 491 with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale for full admission or minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3-2.9/4.0 scale for provisional admission prior to beginning graduate coursework.
  3. Submit RN to MSN Candidacy Form (to begin Graduate Coursework) the semester before taking NUR 414.
  4. Conditions of Provisional Admission
    1. Failure to meet any of the conditions below will result in program dismissal.
      1. Students are required to earn a grade of a “B” or higher in the first six (6) credit hours of coursework to be fully admitted to the program. Students who are not passing at midterm will be permitted to complete their coursework. 
      2. Students are required to work with their Academic Advisor to complete a Graduate Success Plan as outlined in their Provisional Acceptance Letter.
    2. After successful completion of six (6) credit hours of graduate coursework, and completion of the requirements outlined in the Graduate Success Plan, students will have the provisional admission status removed from their record.
  5. Please note: If at the time of request for admission into the MSN program the student’s cumulative GPA is not a minimum of 2.3/4.0 scale in their baccalaureate coursework, the student would remain eligible to continue in the RN to BSN Program.

Pathway 3:

This option is available for candidates who are current students in the BSN-C Program with an acceptable review of required documentation who have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale or higher for full admission or cumulative GPA of 2.3-2.9/4.0 for provisional admission on their baccalaureate coursework who wish to take advantage of the RN to MSN Program option.

  1. Submit RN to MSN Candidacy Form before taking NUR 414.
  2. Submit a current professional resume or curriculum vitae.

Health Requirements (MSN Program)

The College requires all students entering programs which include a clinical component, practicum, or field experience (health program) to comply with specific health requirements, such as documentation of positive titers, vaccinations, and other health requirements. Students may request waivers or extensions of vaccinations and other health requirements, which may be approved or denied by clinical facilities. If waivers/extensions are denied, it will prevent placement in clinical experiences and progression in the academic program. The College will make a reasonable attempt to find alternate clinical placements for students seeking waivers or extensions of vaccinations, but it is at the discretion of clinical sites whether students are permitted to participate in clinical experiences. The requirements may vary depending on the program of study and the clinical agency. Students in such programs can find information on criminal background checks, drug screens, and health requirements at Current information is maintained on the College website and is subject to change. Students are responsible for all costs associated with criminal background checks, drug screens, and health requirements. Students who do not meet listed health requirements may not be able to fulfill the clinical, practicum, or field experience requirements and complete their program of study.

Please see the program administrator with questions regarding documentation for health records, including titer and vaccination requirements.

Requirements for Clinicals or Professional Practice Experience

Criminal background checks, drug screens, health records, and titers/immunizations are required prior to the start of the clinical program. Clinical program requirements and instructions are maintained on the College website at This Policy can be found at

Nursing completion programs prepare graduates as generalists for practice across the lifespan with diverse populations, in the four spheres of care (wellness, disease prevention; chronic disease management; regenerative/restorative care; and hospice/palliative care). Therefore, students will have planned clinical practice experiences where they can engage in direct care learning activities, and apply the knowledge, skills, and concepts being learned across the curriculum.

Students must hold an active, unencumbered RN license in the state where clinical practice experiences are held. Therefore, we are unable to accommodate students who only hold RN licensure from the following states: Florida, Illinois, and New York.

Degree Requirements

To earn the Registered Nurse to Master of Science in Nursing (RN to MSN) degree students must complete all college requirements for the RN to MSN degree including:

General Education Requirements


Complete All of the Following Courses:

Oral and Written Communication (GCOM) - 6 minimum
ENG 101English Composition I


ENG 102English Composition II


Math, Statistics, and Logic (GMSL) - 3 minimum
MTH 140Introduction to Statistics


Social and Behavioral Sciences (GSBS) - 6 minimum
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


PSY 201Lifespan Psychology


Arts, Humanities, Culture, and Diversity (must include 6 credit hours in Religious Studies) (GAHD/GAHR) - 9 minimum
REL 290Medical Ethics


SOC 211Cultural Diversity


Natural Sciences, Technology, and Innovation (GNSI) - 6 minimum
BIO 220Anatomy and Physiology I


BIO 221Anatomy and Physiology II


Additional hours from one or more of the above categories - 6 minimum
BIO 210Microbiology


Total Credit Hours:36

Baccalaureate Nursing Course Requirements

Complete All of the Following Courses:

NUR 304Transitions in Professional Nursing


NUR 324Nursing Informatics


NUR 374Population Health Assessment


NUR 384Evidence-Based Practice


NUR 414Current Issues in Nursing


NUR 491RN to MSN Bridge Course


Total Credit Hours:18

Required Master of Science in Nursing Program Course Requirements*

Complete All of the Following Courses:

NUR 510Theoretical Foundations for Professional Nursing Practice


NUR 515Research and Evidence-Based Practice


NUR 520Healthcare Policy in the Global Community


NUR 525Population-Based Healthcare


NUR 530Informatics and Healthcare Technologies


Total Credit Hours:15

Select One of the Following Track Specialties:

MSN Leadership Track Specialty Courses, Capstone I and II, and Practicum Courses

Complete All of the Following Courses:
NUR 535Leadership and Strategic Management for Advanced Nursing Roles


NUR 540Healthcare Systems and Organization for Nurse Leaders


NUR 545Strategic Management of Human Resources


NUR 555Financial Management in Healthcare


NUR 550Leadership Capstone I


NUR 560Leadership Practicum


NUR 565Leadership Capstone II


MSN Education Track Specialty Courses, Capstone I and II, and Practicum Courses

Complete All of the Following Courses:
NUR 536Teaching and Learning Strategies in Nursing Education


NUR 541Advanced Nursing Curriculum Design


NUR 546Evaluation Methods in Nursing Education


NUR 551Integrated Advanced Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment, and Pharmacology


NUR 556Education Capstone I


NUR 561Education Practicum


NUR 566Education Capstone II


Total Credit Hours:21

Credit Hour Requirements

Total Required Bachelor of Science General Education Credit Hours 36
Total Required Baccalaureate Nursing Credit Hours 18
Free Elective Credit Hours 32-39
Total Required Master of Science in Nursing Program Credit Hours 15
Total Master of Science in Nursing Specialty Credit Hours 21
Total Credit Hours for Graduation 122-129

*Required general education and baccalaureate nursing course descriptions are available in the current Mercy College Undergraduate Catalog.

*Required 500 level Master of Science in Nursing course descriptions are available in the current Mercy College Graduate Catalog.

Students may be required to take additional free elective credit to reach the 120 semester credit hours required for graduation. Free elective credit may be satisfied through prior coursework and transfer credit. See academic advisor for more details.

32-39 semester hours identified will have been completed by students in their associate degree or nursing diploma program.

Progression (Graduate Coursework)

Students must successfully complete 36 credit hours of MSN coursework in the Program of Study. A maximum of six semester credit hours can be transferred in accordance with the Mercy College Graduate residency requirement at the discretion of the Program Director. Courses considered for transfer must have been taken within 7 years of admission. Only Graduate level courses completed with a grade of “B” or 3.00 (on 4.00 scale) from an institution accredited by a historically regional accreditor.

To remain in “Good Standing” and progress in the program of study, a student is expected to earn a minimum of a “B” grade in all attempted graduate degree courses. A grade lower than a “B” is not considered passing, can only be earned in a graduate program one time, and must be repeated to improve the grade. At the end of each semester, a student must have earned a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 to be considered in “Good Standing.”