2020-21 Course Catalog

Auditing a Course

If you want to take a course for informational purposes without earning credit, you may do so by auditing the course. To register as an auditing student, you should complete an audit registration form when registering for classes. Health Technologies courses require the appropriate director’s permission to audit. The regular per credit hour fee is charged for audited courses. A change from “audit” to “credit” or vice versa must be made within the first 14 calendar days after the first day of class.

Students auditing courses are entitled to participate in the class as much as credit-seeking students; however, examinations and assignments are optional. Courses that are audited are not included in the computation of your cumulative grade point average (GPA) and do not apply toward completion of any graduation requirements. A mark of “R” is recorded on your permanent record to denote audited courses.