2020-21 Course Catalog

Safety and Security

Campus Security | Morrill Hall 138 | (740) 725-6300

MTC is committed to providing a safe environment for its students and other members of the campus community. We continually evaluate existing safety programs and look for new ways to enhance campus security. Each class day more than 3,000 students, faculty, staff, and visitors use campus facilities. While we attempt to provide the most secure surroundings possible, all students and visitors should take responsibility for their own safety while on campus. This includes the following: being sure not to walk alone to the parking lots, especially during evening hours; locking car doors; not leaving possessions in plain view in cars; and parking in well-lit areas whenever possible.

We encourage prompt and accurate reporting of any crime or suspicious activities or incidents. Should you need to make a report, contact the MTC switchboard operator by dialing zero (0) from a campus phone at which time the operator will contact the appropriate campus officer.

In compliance with the Student Right to Know and Security Act of 1990, MTC publishes “Safety and Security Information.” This brochure describes campus responsibilities and programs, as well as listing crime statistics on campus. Copies of this brochure are available from the brochure rack outside the Information Center or from the Student Services Office.