2020-21 Course Catalog


Thank you for choosing Marion Technical College. You have chosen to become a member of a learning community where your efforts, talents, and positive contributions will serve you well here at MTC and far beyond into your future.

When you join Marion Technical College, you are embarking on an education that is meant to be transformative – academically, socially, and personally.

To this end, we, the faculty and staff at MTC, have assembled this handbook for you. This handbook provides strategic advice to assist you in unleashing your full potential as a valued member within our MTC community of learners.

Please take a few minutes to review the contents which include:

A collection of academic resources including study tips;

A guide from Admissions to Graduation;

Overviews of various student resources and opportunities;

A description of academic/student offices and important policies and procedures; and,

General information including information on weather advisories, how to acquire a student email account, parking information, etc.

The school year brings with it numerous exciting opportunities for learning and developing, including occasions for you to make new friends, learn new skills, and challenge yourself. We look forward to meeting you and are eager to assist you in achieving your academic, career, and personal goals. Remember to use this handbook throughout the school year as we know you will find answers to your questions within these pages!

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of Marion Technical College, we wish you the very best for the upcoming school year!

*Marion Technical College provides equal opportunities regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, military status, or sexual orientation.

**While every effort has been made to ensure that this handbook is accurate and up to date, it may include typographical or other errors. Changes are periodically made to this publication and will be incorporated in new editions.