The Student-Centered College
To assist students in fully achieving their goals while growing as learners, we provide the following information about the rights and responsibilities of the student and the institution. Clarifying what is expected of the students, as well as the faculty/staff, helps all of us work better together for students to attain their goals.
In order to create a learning environment that supports students in achieving their academic and employment goals, all members (students, faculty, staff, and visitors) are expected to demonstrate the following values:
Demonstrate mutual respect and trust
Appreciate differences among people as diversity supports new and greater ways of learning
Adhere to high standards of ethical conduct and academic integrity
Honor the rights and freedoms of others through respect, conduct, and integrity
Be a steward of the campus environment through respect of the campus facilities,
materials, faculty, staff, and students
Improve the quality of campus life for everyone through good citizenship and contributions that make a positive difference
Embrace pride and ownership for the college and campus
Statement of Rights
Students have a right to access to learning, courses, and programs of study in a supportive and respectful learning environment; faculty and staff have a right to teach and work in a supportive and respectful learning environment.
Institution Responsibilities
Employ caring and knowledgeable faculty/staff who fulfill their job roles by meeting their responsibilities
Commit to being an equal partner in the learning process
Provide an affordable, high-quality education that is valued in the community and employment marketplace
Provide high-quality student-centered services that are convenient, effective, and efficient manner while focusing on what the student needs
Provide a supportive learning environment that is intellectually and personally
challenging as students develop and apply theories and practices in their courses and chosen pathways of study
Prepare each student for a career in their chosen field and/or transfer to another college
Be open to new ideas and ways of doing things (always learning)
Value students as important members of the campus community by listening to students’ ideas regarding student issues and concerns
Emphasize teaching and learning to increase one’s success with:
Effective communication
Problem-solving and decision-making
Effective use of information technology and mathematics/statistics/analytical skills
Effective interpersonal and professional behavior
Lifelong learning to adapt to new situations
Student Responsibilities
Actively participate in the learning process, both in and out of the classroom
Be motivated and open to learning through preparing for class
Identify the importance of the learning process in meeting your educational / career goals
Commit to being an equal partner in the learning process
Be open to new ideas and ways of doing things (always learning)
Be proactive and specific in sharing with faculty/staff how they can help you be successful
Recognize and incorporate learning skills such as out of class study time (recommended study to class time is two hours out of class for every hour spent in class) and tutoring
Contribute your time and talent as a student and after you graduate as an alumnus/alumna to improve the college community
Commit to learning to increase success with:
Effective communication
Problem solving and decision-making
Effective use of information technology and mathematics/statistics/analytical skills
Effective interpersonal and professional behavior
Lifelong learning to adapt to new situations