2020-21 Course Catalog

Disability Services and Accessibility

Disability Services | Bryson Hall 183 | (740) 389-4636 ext. 4222 | ds@mtc.edu

Marion Technical College is committed to facilitating equal and equitable access to all MTC programs, services, and activities for students/prospective students/guests with disabilities.

Students with a disability are highly encouraged to contact the Director of Student Disability Services as early as possible, as some accommodations can take additional time to implement. We suggest students reach out to Disability Services early in the application process to begin the conversation with the Director. It is especially important for recent high school graduates to start the conversation early, as there are significant changes from high school to college in how the accommodations are provided.

Because it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations at the college level, it is very important for the student to meet with Disability Services to work together to determine the appropriate accommodations and communicate those with the student’s instructors. A delay in meeting with Disability Services may mean a delay in receipt of the accommodations or services.

We look forward to meeting with prospective students and discussing possible accommodations and the procedure for requesting accommodations at MTC. Each student’s accommodations are determined by Disability Services on a case-by-case basis through interactive dialogue with the student (and faculty as needed) and by review of appropriate documentation of the disability by qualified clinician. Students who are unsure if their condition qualifies them for accommodations are encouraged to contact the Director of Disability Services to discuss their situation.

Prospective students may receive accommodations on the placement test, but early notice is important to make sure the accommodations are in place for the date/time the student plans to test.