2020-21 Course Catalog

Academic Warning, Probation, or Dismissal

To be in good academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. A student whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 will receive a notice of academic warning, probation, or dismissal based upon his/her previous record and cumulative GPA.

A student not in good academic standing is permitted to register for classes only when approved by the program dean, director, or advisor, and after the student has documented an “individual success plan” with their advisor to increase the likelihood of academic success and their return to good academic standing.

Academic Status

The Office of Student Records (OSR) will reviews students’ academic standing at the end of each term. Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 will be placed on warning, probation, or dismissal per the following. The Director of Advising will notify students of their academic status in writing.

Warning Probation Dismissal

Below a 2.0 cumulative GPA (1.50-1.99). Registration restricted to advisor approval. Below a 1.5 cumulative GPA (1.00-1.49). Registration restricted to advisor approval. Below a 1.0 cumulative GPA (0-0.99). Registration denied.

If the student’s cumulative GPA is below 1.0 and the dean/director determines that academic progress is unlikely at the present time, notice of dismissal from the college shall be sent to the student by the department dean/director. Only position levels at or above the dean/director may academically dismiss a student.

Students who have been dismissed for academic reasons may be reinstated to resume classes pursuant to the provisions of the college’s policy, AP 564 – Reinstatement After Academic Dismissal. A copy of this policy is included in the appendix.

A student on academic probation must follow a restricted enrollment status as follows:

The student must meet with their academic advisor, program director, or dean of the department to reflect upon past semesters and develop an Individual Success Plan (ISP) to help overcome past impediments to learning or other barriers to success.

The student must obtain authorization from the advisor, program director, or dean of the department to register for courses while on academic warning or probation status.

Students are encouraged to take the appropriate developmental foundation courses if needed before continuing other coursework, or in some cases, retake courses with poor grades in order to more quickly raise the GPA. At the end of each succeeding term, the student’s performance is reviewed and the student informed of their academic status.

Reinstatement after Academic Dismissal

Once you have been dismissed due to poor grades, you must observe a waiting period of one academic term before filing a formal petition for reinstatement with the department dean or director. If reinstatement is granted, the dean or director, in conference with you, will outline the conditions necessary for your re-enrollment and goal to achieve your satisfactory academic standing.