2020-21 Course Catalog


Unique Degree and Certificate Requirements

To qualify for a degree, i.e. Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Applied Business, Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or an Associate of Technical Study, you must:

Achieve a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher.

Satisfactorily meet all college and curricular requirements for the program.

Earn a minimum of 17 semester credit hours required in the program through enrollment and attendance in MTC courses that apply to the curriculum in which the degree is requested. The number of transfer credits accepted toward a degree or certificate will vary depending on how well transfer courses match requirements for your program.

At least 12 of the semester credit hours must be earned through technical courses in the degree. Associate of Arts and Associate of Science students must also complete 17 credit hours at MTC but are excluded from meeting the technical course credit hour requirement.

Developmental education courses do not apply toward graduation requirements.

Satisfactorily complete the number of semester credit hours required for the curriculum the student is pursuing.

Credit hours are considered satisfactorily completed only if the student has received a grade of "A," "B," "C," "D," "EM," "K," "S," OR "X.” (Note: A grade of "C" or better is required in courses within all Health Technology programs.)

A grade of "C" or better must be earned for any required prerequisite course(s) of the curriculum. (A student is not permitted to enroll in any course for which they have received a "D," "F," "NG," or "U" grade in the required prerequisite course).

Graduation Application and Participation

To apply for graduation, you must meet with your academic advisor to make sure that you have met all degree or certificate requirements and fulfill all prior financial obligations and federal loan program requirements. Students must submit a petition online through the College website according to the published deadline for each term.

Fall Term = April 1

Spring Term = September 15

Summer Term = February 1

Upon receipt of the petition, all students’ academic records are reviewed to verify completion of degree requirements and eligibility. The College Registrar will notify a student’s academic advisor of their ineligibility to graduate; the student will be notified directly by their academic advisor.

The graduation ceremony will take place each spring semester. Graduation is for completers only – those students who have completed all of their degree requirements by the end of that spring term. Students who still have classes remaining may not participate in the spring ceremony. If you complete your degree requirements during summer or fall term, you may participate in the subsequent spring graduation ceremony.

All students participating in the spring ceremony are required to wear a black cap and gown, which can be purchased at the campus bookstore. Accommodations are available to those who cannot afford a cap and gown; please contact the Office of Student Records.

Graduation procedures information will be sent to petitioners early in the spring term. A Canvas course announcement/invitation will be sent to the student’s MTC email for you to accept in February, and a mailing will go out in mid-March. The college will also hold a graduation expo in March for upcoming graduates.

Graduating with Honors

If you graduate with an outstanding cumulative GPA, you will have the following academic distinction noted on your diploma and official transcript:

Summa Cum Laude (GPA 3.90-4.00)

Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.70-3.8999)

Cum Laude (GPA 3.50-3.6999)