2020-21 Course Catalog

Textbooks and Open Educational Resources

Books are purchased through MTC’s Online Bookstore. Supplies used in classes and laboratories may be purchased at the Marion Campus Bookstore located in the George H. Alber Student Center.

Some classes use an online electronic textbook that may be paid for through a course lab fee. The instructor will provide the link and password to the student once the class begins.

Several classes are using Open Educational Resources (OER) as a means of saving money for the students. If your class uses Open Educational Resources, your instructor will share with the class how to access the textbooks. These resources are without a cost to the student as they are usually available on the internet or put on reserve in the MTC/OSUM library. For items that are on library reserve, there may be specific times that the items are available (when the library is open) and there may be multiple students using the resource. Reserve materials can be used for a limited time in the library and cannot be removed from the library.

Many of the Open Educational Resources are accessible text materials as they are electronic format that screen readers can access. Should a student have a documented disability requiring additional access to Open Educational Resources, please contact Disability Services at ds@mtc.edu or (740) 386-4222 as soon as possible as it may take additional time to create an accessible format from the open resource.