2020-21 Course Catalog

Assessment of Student Learning

Student learning is the primary focus of MTC. To measure how well MTC fulfills its mission of providing the region’s most accessible, supportive, and personal pathway to career success, all programs and courses include a variety of assessments that measure learning success.

Each academic program at MTC has a list of learning outcomes (skills) that students who graduate will have learned upon successful completion of the program. In addition to program- specific learning outcomes, MTC has defined a set of common skills that each graduate should possess. These skills are collectively called the College Graduate Competencies (CGCs).

The faculty has defined specific CGCs in six areas:

Communications: Communicate effectively both written and orally.

Mathematics: Solve problems using mathematics.

Problem-Solving: Solve problems through analysis, creativity, and synthesis to make informed decisions.

Professionalism: Demonstrate good work habits, effective interpersonal and teamwork skills, and a high level of professionalism.

Technology: Use technology tools efficiently and effectively to perform personal and professional tasks.

Diversity: Exhibit respect and sensitivity for individual and institutional differences.

These skills are taught, reinforced, and/or periodically measured in various courses throughout the curriculum in every degree program. Students are strongly encouraged to focus on the CGCs as they learn throughout the program.

In addition to standard assessments in a specific course such as tests, quizzes, and assignments, assessment can also include scores on special projects, standardized tests, evaluations from internships or co-ops, and rubric scores – any assessment that provides reliable information about how well students are learning. Assessment results are used to help MTC continually improve its programs and courses, and to create a more meaningful learning experience for students.