GEOG 2130 Spatial Analysis

This course introduces students to using statistical techniques for solving spatial problems. Students will learn to apply the principles of statistics to address the distributional and locational aspects of spatial data within a variety of situations. Topics include spatial sampling, measures of dispersion and central tendency in spatial analysis, spatial autocorrelation, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and decision support analysis. Prerequisites: Completion of GEOG 1200, GEOG 2310 and GEOG 2410; MATH 1000 or MATH 1400; and STAT 2050 or STAT 2070. (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Data, Information, and Knowledge
  • Descriptive Statistics: Histograms and Curves; Measures of Dispersion; Measures of Curve Shape; Correlation and Regression
  • Vector Analysis: Characteristics of Points, Lines, and Polygons; Vector Data Preparation; Proximity and Contiguity; Location and Allocation; Extraction of Features; Overlays
  • Raster Analysis: Characteristics of Rasters; Raster Data Preparation; Editing Rasters; Extraction of Features; Proximity and Contiguity Distance Calculations; Location and Allocation Map Algebra; Vector to Raster and Raster to Vector Conversion
  • Geostatistical Analysis: Descriptive Spatial Statistics; Inferential Spatial Statistics; Sampling Techniques


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Describe and discuss types of knowledge; and compare and contrast data, information and knowledge.

2. Demonstrate the application of descriptive statistics to GIS data to create useful information and respond to hypotheses; demonstrate skills in advanced data queries and the measurement of spatial attributes

3. Discuss and demonstrate means of displaying spatial information

4. Discuss and apply tools required to edit and manipulate vector and raster data; determine whether raster or vector models are most appropriate for particular analysis; discuss which overlay tool is appropriate to obtained desired information from geographic data

5. Define and describe the tools associated with geostatistical analysis