GEOG 2135 Applied GPS for GIS

This course covers the principles and fundamentals of global positioning systems (GPS) and the integration of GPS into geographic information systems (GIS). Major topics include GPS system principles, operations, and techniques to improve accuracy. Course content also includes applications of datum, projections, coordinate systems, differential correction and accuracy assessments. (2 lect., 2 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Geodesy and GPS fundamentals
  • Satellite tracking with GPS
  • GPS hardware and software
  • Datums, projections, and coordinate systems
  • GPS field data collection
  • Viewing and editing GPS data
  • GPS data transfer into GIS
  • Differential GPS (DGPS) and post-processing
  • Integration of DGPS into a GIS database framework


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Discuss the history of GPS

2. Define how GPS Receivers identify spatial positions

3. Define and discuss the current technical terminology associated with the GPS

4. Outline and apply spatial location standards, methods, and United States national map accuracy standards

5. Employ GPS hardware and software to plan a GPS field survey

6. Utilize GPS hardware and software to collect geographic data in the field

7. Perform real-time and post-processing differential GPS (DGPS)

8. Integrate DGPS data in a GIS database framework