GEOG 2140 Survey of Remote Sensing Applications

This course provides a foundation in the skills and techniques to acquire, enhance, interpret, and analyze aerial-photography and digital imagery using visual and computer-based methods. Topics include the basics of electromagnetic radiation, imaging systems, digital data, landscape interpretation, and digital image processing techniques. This course also includes mobile mapping and the use of the global positioning system (GPS) in geographic information system (GIS) integration. Prerequisites: Completion of GEOG 1200, GEOG 2310 and GEOG 2410. (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Acquisition Systems
  • Photographic Remote Sensing
  • Multispectral Remote Sensing
  • Image Processing
  • Active Remote Sensing
  • Mobile Mapping
  • Applications of Remote Sensing in GIS


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Characterize image and data acquisition systems; describe the electromagnetic spectrum as the basis for remote sensing; explain how electromagnetic energy interacts with the earth and the atmosphere

2. Describe how aerial photos are acquired; demonstrate the role of Global Positioning System (GPS) in image acquisition; apply the fundamentals of image interpretation to aerial photos

3. Outline the components of multispectral remote sensing systems; describe how multispectral imagery is acquired; define and describe the spectral signatures for various landscape features

4. Discuss the role of GPS in image processing; explain image rectification and restoration; apply supervised and unsupervised image classification; demonstrate the integration of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

5. Explain the fundamentals of active remote sensing systems; describe radar remote sensing systems; discuss applications of light detection and ranging (liDAR) remote sensing systems; perform image interpretation on active remote sensing data

6. Explain the applications of mobile mapping and how they overlap with GPS and GIS; illustrate efficient data collection using GPS; enhance data accuracy and precision through post-processing

7. Discuss the applications of photographic remote sensing, multispectral remote sensing, and active remote sensing; demonstrate the applications of these processes in mobile mapping