GEOG 2110 Techniques in Cartography

This course introduces the principles and practices of digital map making and cartographic representation. Content will emphasize basic principles of map design and creation and will employ techniques associated with geographic information system (GIS) data analysis and output phases. Topics will include map design principles, symbolization, data classification, map scale and generalization, typography, and color theory. Prerequisites: Completion of GEOG 1200 and GEOG 2310. (3 lect., 3 lab)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Introduction to GIS cartography
  • Cartographic design and map layout
  • Principles of symbolization
  • Data classification models
  • Map scale and generalization
  • Map lettering
  • Principles of color
  • Cartographic graphing techniques
  • Attribute data and thematic representation
  • Applications of spatial queries in making digital maps
  • Applications of spatial joins in making digital maps
  • Geoprocessing and map overlay functions in map making


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Explain the significance and applications of cartography to the field of geographic information systems (GIS)

2. Define and apply design principles such as visual hierarchy, balance, and contrast, to the creation of a thematic map

3. Describe the characteristics of spatial data and demonstrate the visual variables that can be used with point, line and polygon data

4. Identify the spatial pattern of a given dataset and select the most appropriate classification method to create a thematic map

5. Outline the fundamentals of cartographic generalization and apply those principals to the creation of general reference maps

6. Describe and demonstrate the functions of map lettering and apply typographic guidelines to label features on general reference and thematic maps

7. Discuss the physical properties of color and apply this theory to create effective thematic color maps

8. Summarize the design principles applicable to graph creation and incorporate various types of graphs to summarize statistical information

9. Define and demonstrate the applications of the field calculator, and apply the use of table joins, table relates, and queries, to the creation of a thematic map

10. Compare and contrast attribute queries and spatial queries and apply these queries to the analysis of geospatial data

11. Define, describe and discuss spatial joins and create a thematic map based on analysis derived from spatial joins

12. Utilize map overlays to analyze multiple variables in a geographic area and create a thematic map based on map overlay analysis