Standards of Academic Scholarship and Academic Standing

The following academic standards apply to all degree and non-degree seeking graduate students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress - Good Academic Standing

A student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (as calculated at the end of a semester) to remain in good academic standing at Messiah College.

Satisfactory Academic Progress - Conditionally Admitted Students

A conditionally admitted applicant must satisfy the conditions of his/her admittance in order to continue in the program. The specific conditions and length of time permitted to meet the stated conditions shall be detailed in a letter from the Director or Admissions Committee of the student’s chosen program.

Academic Probation

Students who do not maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher (as calculated at the end of a semester) will be placed on academic probation. In addition, students who earn two final course grades of C (C+ or C) in graduate courses taken at Messiah College (regardless of cumulative GPA) will be placed on academic probation effective at the conclusion of the semester in which the second C (C+ or C ) was earned.

The registrar’s office will notify the student in writing of the probation and will provide a copy of the communication to the program director and academic advisor. Students placed on academic probation are granted one semester to earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to be reinstated to good academic standing. Students who fail to earn a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or earn a third C (C+ or C) may be subject to dismissal.

Some programs may require GPAs higher than the standard 3.0. Program specific GPAs and any additional requirements are maintained, published, and managed by individual programs.

Dismissal for C Grades

Students who earn three final grades of C (C+ or C) will be academically dismissed from the College effective at the conclusion of the part-of-term in which the third C (C+ or C) was earned.

Dismissal for Failing Grade

Students who earn a final grade of F, including a fail in a pass/fail course, in any graduate course at Messiah College will be academically dismissed from the College effective at the conclusion of the part-of-term in which the failing grade was assigned.

Notice and Appeal for Academic Dismissal

The registrar’s office will notify the student in writing of the academic dismissal and will provide a copy of the communication to the academic advisor and program director. A student may appeal the academic dismissal within the time limit stated in the dismissal notification by filing a written petition with the registrar’s office stating the reason for the appeal, which may include circumstances influencing the poor performance and documentation to support it. The student must also send a copy of his/her appeal to the program director of the program from which the dismissal took place. Appeals are reviewed by a sub-committee of the Graduate Council whose decision is final.

The registrar’s office will notify the student in writing of the appeal decision and will provide a copy of the communication to the academic advisor and program director. If the dismissal appeal is granted, the student will be eligible to continue one semester on academic probation. If good academic standing is not achieved within one semester, the student will be academically dismissed from the College.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

Students who are dismissed for academic reasons may not apply for readmission to Messiah College for at least two academic years from the date of the dismissal. During the two-year dismissal, students may not enroll in graduate level courses at Messiah College. In addition, students may not apply for admission to a different graduate level program at Messiah College during the two-year dismissal. When petitioning for readmission, the student must evidence fundamental change which demonstrates a strong likelihood he/she possesses the motivation and capacity to successfully complete the requirements of the chosen program. Readmission is neither automatic nor guaranteed. The program director notifies the student in writing about the College’s decision for readmission. Students who are readmitted are placed on academic probation and must comply with all of the terms set forth in the reinstatement letter.