
Assistant Dean of Nursing: Kimberly Fenstermacher
MSN Coordinator: Louann Zinsmeister

DNP Coordinator: Kristen Slabaugh

Administrative Assistant & Clinical Coordinator: Ashley Ringquist

Professor:  L. Zinsmeister, W. Thuma-McDermond

Associate Professor: K. Fenstermacher, T. Jankouskas

Associate Professor Clinical Track: M. Derr, K. Slabaugh


The Mission of the Department of Nursing at Messiah College is to prepare baccalaureate and graduate professional nurses within the context of liberal arts and sciences from a Christian worldview for beginning and advanced professional nursing roles. The educational process facilitates the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to promote professional nursing excellence, interprofessional collaborative practice, and lifelong learning. The distinctives of a Messiah College nurse include commitment to academic excellence, service to others with insight and creativity, compassion through cultural humility, caring leadership, and reconciliation from a Christian worldview.