
Program Director: Jennifer Fisler

Administrative Assistant: Rebecca Yohe

Professor: J. Fisler

Associate Professors: J. Dormer, M. Yacapsin


The Master of Education program at Messiah College is designed to advance the field of education by developing leaders, practitioners, and collaborators whose growing commitment to reconciliation, justice, and the dignity of all people compels them to pursue excellence in their professional understanding and practice.

Program Learning Objectives

Graduates of the M.Ed. program will demonstrate the following capabilities:


  • Analyze, evaluate, and respond to current trends and issues in education.
  • Identify structural barriers that impede student learning.
  • Apply ethical principles to complex problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Use research appropriately to influence stakeholders in educational contexts.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the historical evolution of schools and the influence that history has had in shaping current school context.
  • Promote collective responsibility for the well-being and development of all learners.


  • Locate, evaluate, and apply appropriate educational research to address issues in student learning.
  • Reflect on current practice and one's ability adapt as needed.
  • Apply relevant, research-based learning theories to educational contexts.
  • Design and differentiate instructional plans and assessments to promote learning for all students.
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of technology to support student learning.
  • Analyze, critique, and develop effective curriculum.


  • Foster collaborative relationships among students, families, and educators to foster the well-being of all learners.
  • Identify aspects of intercultural competence and its application for specific educational contexts.
  • Demonstrate intracultural awareness.
  • Communicate effectively with a broad range of audiences (parents/families, administrators, and colleagues).
  • Recognize the sociopolitical realities of schools and work to empower all students and families.