Withdrawal from the College

Leave of Absence/Stop Out

Students who do not register for a course during a semester but plan to take a course in the subsequent semester are eligible to take a leave of absence/stop out and must notify the registrar’s office by completing the online Notification of Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form. Students are only eligible for a leave of absence/stop out one semester at a time, and may enroll in courses the semester following stop out or withdraw from the College. Students are responsible for understanding the implications of a leave of absence on financial aid and registration for future course work. Registration for the following semester will be available as scheduled. If a student does not complete this form or does not register for courses, he/she will be withdrawn from the College. Students who need to request a leave of absence based on their own physical or psychological illness should submit a Medical Leave Request

Medical Leave Policy

See Medical Leave Policy

End-of-Semester Withdrawal Procedure

Students who are not planning to continue their studies at Messiah College should communicate their withdrawal from the College by completing the online Notification of Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form. If a student does not complete this form or does not register for coursework, he/she will be withdrawn by the College.

During Semester Withdrawal Procedure

Students wishing to withdraw from the College before the end of a semester (fall, spring, and summer) must notify the registrar’s office of their intention by completing the online Notification of Leave of Absence/Withdrawal form. The date the student submits the withdrawal form is the date used to determine the effective date of the withdrawal.

Student Financial Services determines the student’s bill and any required adjustments to financial aid. The student will receive a statement of balance due or refund once all calculations have been completed.

Grading Policy for Students who Withdraw

Once a part-of-term begins, courses in which the student is registered will be graded with a “W.” Courses in future parts-of-term or semesters will be dropped from the student schedule.

Refunds at Withdrawal

See Refund Policy under the Tuition & Fees section