Notice and Appeal of Outcome from Remediation and Development Plans

All remediation plans, development plans, or similar corrective measures, will be managed by the Program in which the student is enrolled. However, if a student takes issue with the outcome of the plan, he/she may appeal the decision of the Program within the time limit stated in the Program’s final decision letter by filing a written petition with the Assistant Provost/Dean of the School of Graduate Studies stating the reason for appeal.

The student must also send a copy of his/her appeal to the Program Director of the program that provided the decision being appealed. Appeals are reviewed by the Graduate Council or an appointed sub-committee from within the Graduate Council. The Program Director who was part of the decision being appealed will recuse him/herself from deliberations of the appeal. The decision of the Graduate Council (or its appointed sub-committee) is final. The Assistant Provost/Dean of the School of Graduate Studies will notify the student in writing of the appeal decision and will provide a copy of the communication to the Program Director.

Readmission after Remediation or Development Plan Dismissal

Students, who are dismissed as an outcome of a remediation plan, development plan or similar corrective measure, may not apply for readmission to Messiah College for at least two academic years from the date of the dismissal. During the two‐year dismissal, students may not enroll in graduate level courses at Messiah College. In addition, students may not apply for admission to a different graduate level program at Messiah College during the two‐year dismissal. When petitioning for readmission, the student must evidence fundamental change that will demonstrate a strong likelihood that he/she possesses the motivation and capacity to successfully complete the requirements of the chosen masters‐level program. Readmission is neither automatic nor guaranteed. The Program Director will notify the student in writing about the school’s decision for readmission. Students who are readmitted must comply with all of the terms set forth in the reinstatement letter.