Procedure 519

Students who have concerns or complaints and are unsure of the applicable process or reporting mechanism should contact the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students by utilizing Form 511/519-A Concern and Complaint Electronic Form. The Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students will communicate with the student to gain an understanding of the situation. If the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students determines that another College policy or procedure governs the situation (e.g., grade appeal, sexual misconduct), the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students will act as a facilitator to ensure the information is directed to the appropriate College official. If the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students determines that no other College procedures govern, the Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students will work informally with the student, and others as necessary, to reach a resolution of the situation.

If the student and Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students are unable to resolve the situation, the student may file a formal written complaint with the President of the College. The  President of the College will investigate the matter, taking all steps deemed necessary based on the circumstances, and will issue a written decision to the student. The President’s decision is final and not subject to further appeal.