2020-21 Course Catalog


Student Evaluation

The quality of your work in courses is indicated by letter grades that you receive at the end of each term. Each letter grade carries quality points, which are used in computing your cumulative grade point average (GPA). The evaluation system is as follows:

“A” = Superior - For each credit hour, four quality points are earned.

“B” = Above average - For each credit hour, three quality points are earned.

“C” = Average - For each credit hour, two quality points are earned.

“D” = Below average - For each credit hour, one quality point is earned.

“F” = Failing – No quality points are earned

“FN” = Failing for non-attendance - No quality points are earned. Credit for a course in which a grade of “F” or “FN” has been received may be earned only by repeating and passing the course.

“NG” = No grade reported by instructor.

“I” = Incomplete

A student must submit a written request to his/her instructor for an “incomplete” grade before the end of the term in which he/she is enrolled in the course, and prior to the time that grades are due to the Office of Student Records for that term. At the instructor’s discretion, a student will be issued a grade of incomplete (“I”) if:

the student course work is satisfactory (C or better), but for legitimate and acceptable reasons, a relatively small amount (25% or less) remains to be completed; and,

the student record justifies the expectation that a passing grade would have been earned if the student had completed all required coursework.

The student must complete all required coursework within the timeframe specified by the instructor. The extension may not exceed a six-week period following the beginning of the term after the one in which the “I” was recorded (e.g., a student who receives an “I” in spring term has six weeks into the following summer term to complete required course work, etc.). Under exceptional circumstances and with the instructor’s approval, the student may petition in writing to the academic dean or director for additional time to complete the required course work. The academic dean or director shall consult with the chief academic officer prior to making his or her decision. The time granted normally does not exceed the end of the subsequent term in which the “I” was recorded.

The academic dean or director’s decision is final in all matters concerning extensions to completed course work.

If the student fails to complete required course work within the time allowed, his or her grade will be calculated based upon the total work completed for the course.

Until the Registrar records the student’s final grade, the credit hours for the incomplete course shall not be counted or considered in the calculation of the student’s grade point average or in the determination of satisfactory academic progress for financial aid.
A student may register for a subsequent course that has as a prerequisite, or is a sequence of, the course for which an "I" has been recorded only if authorization is obtained from the academic dean or director.

“S” = Satisfactory - Indicates satisfactory progress in or successful completion of work (equivalent to grades of “A”-“C”) if the course has been officially designated as one for which this grade may be assigned. The “S” is counted as hours only and is not considered in determining your cumulative GPA.

“U” = Unsatisfactory - Indicates unsatisfactory work (equivalent to grades of “D”-‘‘F”) in courses that you would be entitled to the grade of “S” if your work had been satisfactory. No credit is given for work graded “U,” and it is not considered in determining your cumulative grade point average.

“W” = Withdrawal - Indicates you have withdrawn from the course between the fifteenth calendar day, for full-term courses, after the term begins and the tenth calendar weekday before the end of the term. A “W” carries no credit points and is not computed in your cumulative grade point average. (If you withdraw during the first fourteen calendar days of classes, no indication is made on your transcript. After the tenth calendar weekday before the end of the term, course withdrawal is not possible. A student who withdraws from a course cannot initiate or pursue an appeal of a grade in that course.

“AW” = Administrative Withdrawal – Carries no credit points and is not computed in your cumulative grade point average.

Proficiency Credit - Grade is "S" with credit type of life experience. Indicates you have demonstrated your proficiency in a particular course, usually by passing a proficiency examination. The grade carries no credit points and is not computed in your cumulative grade point average.

Transfer - Grade is "A, B, C, D, or S" with credit type of transfer. Indicates you have received credit for a course transferred from another institution. The grade carries no credit points and is not computed in your cumulative grade point average.

“R” = Audit - Indicates you have taken the course without credit. The grade of “R” carries no credit points and is not computed in your cumulative grade point average.

Appealing a Final Course Grade

Students who feel the grade they have earned for a particular or course is not accurate and wish to appeal the grade are responsible for initiating the procedure outlined below within 30 days of course completion:

Discuss your concerns with the instructor. If the instructor who awarded the grade is no longer employed at the college, the student may begin with the next step.

If results of meeting with the instructor are not satisfactory, discuss your concerns with the academic dean or director of the department responsible for the course.

If results are still not satisfactory, you may discuss your concerns with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services. All decisions from the VP are final.

A student who withdraws from a course cannot initiate or otherwise pursue an appeal of a grade in that course. The college’s policy on this subject, AP 568 – Appealing a Final Course Grade, is available in the appendix.