2020-21 Course Catalog

Dropping or Adding Classes for Full Session

You may drop or add classes from your schedule during any registration period. A student may register for a course at any time prior to the first class session for the course section. A student who wishes to register for a course after the first class session must receive approval from their advisor and the course instructor. Additional information about registering for a course is available on the college’s website. Students who wish to add a course after the first course meeting must complete the Late Add Form and submit it to the Office of Student Records (OSR) by the last day to add for the term (refer to MTC calendar). The student must get approval from both their advisor and the course instructor, as detailed on the Late Add Form. Online courses can be added up until close of business on the third day of the term (Wednesday at 5 p.m.) without advisor/course instructor approval.

Classes may be dropped up to ten business days before the term ends. (A “business day” is any day that the Office of Student Records is open). A student may register for a flexibly scheduled class up until the first meeting of the class.

Dropping a class or classes is subject to the following indications on your transcript:

No indication of course registration is recorded on your transcript when you drop a class on or before the end of the fifteenth calendar day of the academic term.

If you drop a class between the sixteenth calendar day through the tenth business day before the end of the term, you will receive a “W” (withdrawn) on your transcript.

After the tenth class day before the end of the term, no drop or section transfer forms will be accepted and a grade will be recorded for the course. Dates are determined by the day the form is received by the Office of Student Records.