2020-21 Course Catalog

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Your cumulative GPA is computed at the end of each term by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of credit hours you have attempted throughout your enrollment. To arrive at this calculation, use the following grade values to determine the total number of quality points earned:

A=4 points

B=3 points

C=2 points

D=1 point

F=0 points

Example: A student with 13 credit hours who received an “A” in a three credit hour course, a “B” in a four credit hour course, a “C” in a two credit hour course, a “D” in a one credit hour course, and an “F” in a three hour course, would compute the grade point average in this way:

A=4 points x 3 credit hours = 12
B=3 points x 4 credit hours = 12
C=2 points x 2 credit hours = 4
D=1 point x 1 credit hours = 1
F =0 points x 3 credit hours = 0 (or FN)
13 29

29 quality points divided by 13 credit hours = 2.2308 GPA

quality points credit hours