Spring 2025 Trine Course Catalog

Marketing Certificate

With Trine University's online certificate in Marketing, students will explore the advanced marketing knowledge, techniques and concepts needed to guide new product development, expand into new markets, and encourage customer loyalty. Emphasis is placed on consumer and organizational buying behavior, methods for identifying and selecting marketing strategies that build brand equity, and business concepts (ethics, globalization, motivation, finance, economics, etc.). This certificate program will prepare students to advance in the workforce or to pursue a degree. Required coursework for the Marketing certificate may be applied toward the online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Marketing Major program.



Our program assures that students attain the following outcomes:

  1. Apply national and international consumer behavior concepts to consumer trends.
  2. Evaluate business issues and practices in the United States.
  3. Analyze the marketing variables of product, promotion, placement, and price in the context of strategic planning, implementation, and control.
  4. Examine the consumer behavior process and what, when, why, where, and how consumers choose products and services.
  5. Create an integrated marketing communication strategy to include traditional, social, and digital media elements for application to retail and/or business industries.
  6. Apply professional selling in today’s competitive marketplace.
  7. Evaluate the impact of changing global, political, economic, competitive, environmental, cultural and social systems on marketing strategy development.

Marketing Certificate

Marketing Certificate

BA 123Business Concepts


MK 203Marketing


MK 323Integrated Marketing Communication


MK 363/PSY 3063Commerce and Consumer Behavior



MK 433Marketing Strategy



MK 423Professional Selling



UE 111Online Learning Orientation


Total Credit Hours: 16