Spring 2025 Trine Course Catalog

Vicki Moravec Honors Program

The mission of the Vicki Moravec Honors Program is to provide support, resources, and academic experiences to high achieving and highly motivated students, thus allowing them to grow intellectually and become active independent learners. A student in the Vicki Moravec Honors Program would be exposed to a breadth of teaching methods and topics and, through this exposure, will have a more fulfilling and varied educational experience.

Admission Requirements

First-year students accepted to any Trine University program with a minimum SAT of 1290/ACT 27 and a High School GPA of 3.75 or higher will be invited into the honors program. If a student is test optional, GPA of 3.75 or higher and AP/honors high school classes will be considered. If the student is invited to Scholarship Day, they will be invited into the honors program. Students that qualify will receive an Intent to Participate form, and they need to complete the online form to be accepted. Current Trine University freshmen or sophomores may also apply for admission into the honors program. These students must notify the Vicki Moravec Honors Program Director of their intentions, have a current Trine University GPA of 3.50 or higher, and must submit a letter of recommendation from a Trine University faculty member. Decisions regarding admission will be made on a case-by-case basis as space allows.

Program Requirements

Students may choose to complete either the Honors Program or the Honors Program with Distinction. Students must maintain a 3.50 GPA to successfully earn their Honors Degree.

Honors Program:

  • 12 points in Honors coursework
  • 30 points in service or leadership experiences

Honors Program with Distinction:

  • 12 points in Honors coursework
  • 30 points in service or leadership experiences
  • Honor Project – approved research or extended service opportunity

Honors Courses/Contract Courses (12 points)

All honors students are required to take the following courses for 3 points:

HNR 121 – Introduction to Honors

HNR 200/201 – Sophomore Honors Seminar

HNR 300/301 – Honors Enrichment Trip

Honors students are required to compile at least 9 other points with any combination of dedicated HNR courses, honors sections of regularly offered courses, or contract courses in their departments. Contract courses (any 200-level course or above) are a regularly offered Trine University course in which the instructor and honors student agree on additional requirements to enrich the experience. For HNR courses and honors sections of courses, the credits for each course will directly correlate to the number of points earned. Contract course points will vary depending on the degree of extra work involved.

Honors Service/Leadership Experiences (30 points)

Honors students are required to complete service and/or leadership hours. Students will earn 1 point per documented service hour, which can be completed on or off campus. Students will earn 3 points per term for serving on any campus association board, peer tutoring, and other campus leadership roles. Honors students need a total of 30 points to successfully earn their Honors Degree.

Honors Project

Honors Program with Distinction students are required to complete an Honors Project. Activities that qualify for an Honors Project include an original Honors Thesis, a semester of study abroad, or elaboration of a capstone project to include Honors Program requirements. All Honors Projects must receive approval from the honors program advisory board. Honors Projects will culminate in a written paper as well as a presentation at the Honors Symposium held at the end of the spring semester.

Academic Performance

To participate in the Vicki Moravec Honors Program, a student must maintain a 3.50 cumulative grade point average at the end of each academic year. A student whose GPA falls below 3.50 will be placed on probation in the Honors Program and will have one semester to raise his/her GPA.