Applied Health Science (B.S.) Pre-Professional Concentration

Program Overview

Students majoring in Applied Health Science desire careers in the broad health field. Four options are available depending on students’ career goals. Emphasis is on systems biology and integrating physiology as applied to health.

Pre-Physical Therapy Concentration. Students selecting this option desire a career in physical therapy. Additional graduate work is necessary.

Pre-Professional Concentration. Students choosing this concentration are interested in careers in Health Professions such as medicine, physician’s assistant, chiropractic, or graduate school in health related sciences.

3+2 Articulation Agreement with Thomas Jefferson in Occupational Therapy. Students can earn a bachelor’s degree in Applied Health Science and the Master of Science degree from Thomas Jefferson in 5 years. Students will spend the first three years at Messiah College and then proceed to Jefferson School of Health Professions for the final 2 years of study. There are specific standards of performance for students desiring to pursue this option.

Exercise Science Concentration. Students in this concentration will prepare for careers in fields such as corporate fitness, cardiac rehabilitation, personal trainer, strength and conditioning specialist, or other wellness positions. In addition, students who are interested in occupational therapy, health promotion, or public health can tailor this major to prepare them for graduate work.

Dedicated faculty and a human performance laboratory are two of the resources that enable Messiah to offer a quality Applied Health Science major. This program equips graduates with the necessary knowledge and abilities to qualify for positions in this highly competitive field.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Applied Health Science program can:

  1. Identify the anatomical and physicological responses to acute and chronic exercise.

  2. Explain the important role of exercise in disease prevention.  

  3. Critically analyze human movement patterns.

  4. Correctly identify needs and prescribe safe and effective exercise programs for normal and special populations. 

  5. Describe and assess safe and effective weight management techniques.
  6. Accurately interpret and synthesize current research literature utilizing APA style guide, with correct grammar and writing mechanics.
  7. Identify employment, certification, voluntary service, and/or graduate education options available in the health and exercise science field.  
  8. Identify and describe significant ways their Christian faith relates to the health and exercise science area of study, and explain how they will apply their understanding of Christian vocation in the future.  

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

APHS 170Concepts of Conditioning


APHS 215Chronic Disease and Exercise


APHS 271Kinesiology


APHS 301Exercise Physiology


APHS 325Applied Human Physiology


APHS 412Senior Seminar for Health and Exercise Science


PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology


APHS 412: Fulfills Writing Enriched course requirement for Major.

Three credits from the following:

APHS 225Research Methods and Statistical Analysis


STAT 269Introductory Statistics


Three credits from the following:

GERO 251Biology, Nutrition, and Healthy Aging


PSYC 209Life Span Development


HDFS 210Child Development


HDFS 311Adolescent Development


HDFS 312Adult Development


Pre-Professional Concentration (41-42)

BIOL 160Molecular and Cellular Biology


CHEM 105General Chemistry I


CHEM 106General Chemistry II



CHEM 204Introduction to Organic Chemistry



CHEM 309Organic Chemistry I



PHYS 201Introductory Physics I


PHYS 202Introductory Physics II


Select eight credits from the following:

BIOL 382Microbiology for Health Professions


BIOL 385Physiology


BIOL 386Human Anatomy


BIOL 386: Recommended course.

Three to four credits from the following:

MATH 102The Mathematics of Growth


MATH 108Intuitive Calculus with Applications


MATH 111Calculus I


Six credits from the following:

APHS 310Elite Athletic Performance


APHS 315Stress Testing and ECG Interpretation


APHS 330Advanced Research Methods


APHS 410Topics in Health and Exercise Science


APHS 415Advanced Exercise Physiology


NUTR 222Nutrition Theory


Note: Students interested in pursuing medical school should work closely with the Pre-Health advisor and take CHEM 310 Organic Chemistry II (4). In addition, CHEM 410 Biochemistry I (4) is strongly recommended.

QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
First Year Seminar3
Oral Communication3
Created and Called for Community (W)3
Mathematical Sciences (MATH 108 or MATH 111)met/major
Laboratory Science (CHEM 105)met/major
Science, Technology & the World (APHS 301)waived
Social Science (PSYC 101)met/major
European History or United States History3
Literature 3
Philosophy and Religion 3
First Semester of Language3
Second Semester of Language 3
Third Semester of Language or Cross Cultural3
Non-Western Studies 2 or 3
Christian Beliefs 3
Wellness coursemet/major
Ethics, World Views or Pluralism 3
QuEST requirements41-42
Major requirements (inclusive of concentration) 68-69
Free electives 14-12
Total credits 123