2020-21 Course Catalog

Basic Skills Assessment/Placement Testing

Assessing incoming students' basic academic skills is closely linked to a successful college experience. Studies – and experience – show that individuals inadequately prepared for college- level courses often flounder, while students with higher skills placed in College Foundation courses tend to be bored and unchallenged. The result in both cases is a negative experience that can affect both grades and college persistence.

MTC uses a variety of assessment tools to evaluate incoming students' skills in English, reading, writing, computer applications, and math. Assessment results properly place students into the following courses:

English courses

Math courses

Computer applications courses

The ACCUPLACER assessment focuses on English, mathematics, reading, and writing. The Technology Skills Test (TST) covers basic e-mail usage, Internet experience, and Windows navigation.

In addition to high school transcripts, ACT scores, and other information available to advisors, results of ACCUPLACER and the TST are used to determine if you need or might benefit from enrolling in certain college foundation courses.

Placement tests are administered by the Student Resource Center in Room 183 of Bryson Hall. The Student Resource Center is open 8:00am-7:30pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00am- 4:00pm Friday. Summer hours may vary. Individuals may start a test anytime but must be able to complete the test by the time the office closes.

Basic skills assessment testing is a FREE service. Students should arrive a few minutes before their intended start time with their MTC student ID number. Allow three hours for testing, although most students finish in about two hours. Tests are scored immediately, and your results will be explained during registration by an academic advisor.

Scores on the American College Test (ACT) may also be used for admission to certain limited enrollment programs (see the college catalog.) Students required to take the ACT may inquire at the Office of Admission or the Student Resource Center about test dates and locations.