ORGL 4000 Nonprofit Revenue Principles and Practice

In this course the student will examine issues confronting nonprofit organizations related to fundraising and philanthropic purpose in society. The student will evaluate fundraising, charitable giving patterns, and legal structures in global and US contexts. The student will also formulate a fund development philosophy. (4 lect.)


4 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW

Major Topics

  • Philanthropy
  • Grants
  • Fundraising events
  • Earned revenue


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Examine fundraising laws that affect the nonprofit sector.

2. Critique digital fundraising methods, use of social media platforms, and communication strategies from a global perspective.

3. Evaluate tools used to identify grant makers, write proposals, and develop budgets.

4. Formulate a fundraising philosophy, fundraising plan, and strategies.

5. Develop a solicitation plan based on the psychology and science behind why people give.

6. Create strategies for capital campaigns and raising larger amounts of money using prospect research and donor management.

7. Formulate a plan to identify new and varied sources of income to supplement traditional grant and donor support.