ART 2320 Sculpture II

This is an intermediate course in sculpture. Students are allowed the freedom to explore a variety of processes (additive, subtractive, and assemblage) and materials (stone or wood carving, welding/forging, found materials) or to focus on one area of study. In addition, students will be encouraged to continue developing techniques and concepts related to sculpture. Prerequisite: Completion of ART 2310 or instructor's permission. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Paint
  • Line
  • ColorNalue
  • Shape
  • Texture (Elements of Visual Art)


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Make aesthetic and intellectual judgments on sculptural themes.

2. Speak about the artwork of historical and contemporary artists, fellow students, and personal artwork. Assessment: Participate in critiques of class projects and in-class lectures/discussions.

3. Talk about a painter and his/her artwork.

4. Create artwork with a conceptual basis.