ART 2076 Illustration II

This course will equip students to apply elements of image making, concept, style, composition, and the design process to the broad field of illustration. Students will learn to use traditional and non traditional art materials and approaches (including digital) in the creation of illustrative images. Students will use and enhance an overall visual vocabulary which will include photography, drawing/painting, type, the elements/principles of art, and digital imaging. Prerequisite: Completion of ART 1005. (2 lect., 4 lab)


3 credits

Transfer Status

Transferable to UW.

Major Topics

  • Development of Style
  • Materials and techniques
  • Composing for Impact/Communication
  • Elements and Principles of Art
  • Idea Generation Strategies
  • The Business of Illustration


In order to successfully complete this course, the student will:

1. Research historical and contemporary illustration styles.

2. Use a wide variety of media to produce unique and engaging illustrations.

3. Students will develop critical thinking methods to build concepts based on art-directed specific problems, and dissect / layer solutions to varying formats.

4. Identify and use industry standards for the presentation and reproduction of finished illustrations.

5. Develop an awareness of all areas of illustration and of the myriad of styles that are currently being employed within the illustration business.