Business Administration (B.A.)

Program Overview

The Business Administration Major offers students the opportunity to tailor their curriculum across business disciplines emphasizing career themes such as: l) general management, 2) development of quantitative analysis skills in a business context, and 3) preparation for management of small businesses and 4) stewardship of human resources. Students not choosing a concentration can customize their degree program by selecting upper-level business courses that meet their career goals.

Note: This major is a secondary major; it may not be declared as a primary major or a stand-alone major. Students must have at least 24 unique credits in both their primary and secondary major. Students graduating with this as part of a double major receive a single degree, with two majors (e.g. a Bachelors of Arts from Messiah majoring in both x and Business Administration). Students declaring this Business Administration B.A. as their secondary major must complete the QuEST requirements of the primary major.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Business Administration program can:

  1. Recall, recognize, and interpret foundational content related to ACBSP accreditation Common Professional Component—disciplinary areas in which all business majors need to be proficient regardless of their major including Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Management, Law, Economics, Ethics, Information Systems, Global, Quantitative and Integrative (ULO 2)
  2. Apply business concepts, strategies and tactics (ULO 2)
  3. Conduct methodological secondary research into business issues. (ULO 3)
  4. Articulate how the Christian faith informs one’s work life, career, and daily business practices (ULO 4, ULO 5, ULO 6)

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

ACCT 141Financial Accounting


ACCT 242Managerial Accounting


BUSA 102Opportunities in Business


BUSA 120Principles of Management


BUSA 459Strategic Management


ECON 120Principles of Macroeconomics


ECON 220Principles of Microeconomics


FINA 305Financial Management


MRKT 130Marketing Principles


INTE 391Internship


BUSA 459: Writing enriched course for the major.

INTE 391: 2 credits required to complete the degree requirements.

Three to four credits from the following:

MATH 107Applied Mathematics for Management


MATH 108Intuitive Calculus with Applications


MATH 111Calculus I


Six additional credits (two courses) of 300/400 level Business courses

QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
Students are required to complete all of the QuEST requirements of their primary major  
Business BA secondary Major requirements 36-37
Primary major 36-TBD
Total 123