Teacher Education Program

Assistant Dean of Teacher Education: Jennifer L. Fisler
Field Experience Coordinator: Julie McGill
Field Placement, Internship and Certification Coordinator: Amanda J. Sigel
Administrative Assistant: Carol Wickey

The Messiah College Teacher Education Program endorses candidates for Pennsylvania Level I teacher certification in numerous content areas. The policies and procedures which govern the Teacher Education Program apply to all certification areas.

The Department of Education offers the following majors that lead to a B.S. degree and Pennsylvania Instructional I teacher certification:

Education with Teaching Certification in Grades PreK-4 (B.S.)

Education with Dual Teaching Certification in Grades PreK-4 and Special Education Pre-K-8 (B.S.)

Education with Teaching Certification in Grades 4-8 (B.S.)

Additionally, Messiah College offers teacher education programs leading to PA Instructional I Certification in the following secondary (grades 7-12) and K-12 areas. For detailed program requirements, see the sponsoring academic department (indicated in parenthesis) for each.

7–12 Programs:

Biology (Biological Science)

Chemistry (Chemistry and Biochemistry)

English (English)

Mathematics (Mathematics, Physics and Statistics)

Physics (Mathematics, Physics and Statistics)

Social Studies (History)

K–12 Programs:

Chinese (Modern Languages)

Family and Consumer Sciences Education (Human Development and Family Science)

French (Modern Languages)

Health and Physical Education (Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science)

Music (Music)

Art (Art and Design)

Spanish (Modern Languages)

ESL (Education)

Mission Statement and Program Outcomes. The mission of the Messiah College Teacher Education Program is to develop professional educators who . . .

  • facilitate the learning and development of others consistently,
  • reflect on thoughts and actions deliberately,
  • apply essential knowledge effectively,
  • learn continuously,
  • care for people compassionately, and
  • serve God and society faithfully.

Students who complete the Messiah College Teacher Education Program will demonstrate:

  1. Christian faith and values in personal and professional life.
  2. Professional attitudes that reflect an understanding of schools and a commitment to teaching.
  3. Subject matter depth and an understanding of the relationships between and among curricular areas.
  4. Theoretical knowledge of learning and related instructional practices that support learning.
  5. Empirical inquiry skills such as observation, hypothesis-testing, data collection, and data analysis.
  6. Acquisition, analysis, evaluation, and integration of new knowledge throughout professional practice.
  7. Appropriate professional responses to the roles and responsibilities of individuals and organizations (e.g., teachers, students, families, school districts, communities) associated with educational environments.
  8. Professional communication (speaking, writing, listening) and technology skills.
  9. Reflective decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  10. Instructional planning and assessment skills that facilitate equitable participation, an accepting and supportive learning environment, and maximum development for all learners.

To support our mission and to meet professional development standards, the following are integrated throughout all of the teacher preparation programs:

  1. Assessment: Collecting valid and reliable data to inform instruction and decision-making processes.
  2. Technology and Information Literacy: Applying a wide variety of instructional technologies and information resources to enhance instructional decision-making and effectiveness.
  3. Inclusion: Creating and maintaining educational environments that promote learning opportunities for individuals who possess a variety of exceptionalities and disabilities.
  4. Diversity: Creating and maintaining educational environments that promote learning opportunities for individuals who represent a variety of racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.
  5. The Christian Teacher: Demonstrating Christian faith and values in all of the actions, judgments, and interpersonal relationships that are relevant to educational environments.

Field Experiences and Student Teaching. The location of Messiah College affords great opportunity for students to observe and teach in a wide variety of school settings. Within easy drive of the College are numerous suburban, rural, and urban school districts. The Teacher Education Program regularly places students in as many as 30 different school districts each year and enjoys positive, collaborative relationships with these districts. Additionally, students may apply to do part of their student teaching in an international context.

Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from field experience and student teaching sites. No College transportation will be available to students who are enrolled in field-based courses or student teaching. In early courses, the College attempts to place students in schools with carpooling possibilities in mind. For upper level field experiences and student teaching, students are expected to have their own means of transportation.

Policies and Procedures

All students who pursue teacher certification must comply with established policies and procedures that regulate admission to, retention in, and endorsement for certification through the Messiah College Teacher Education Program. A complete copy of the Teacher Education Program Handbook can be found on the program homepage: www.messiah.edu/teacher.

The Teacher Education Program Handbook is the official and most current guide to any program-related information. The following points are highlights of the major handbook-documented guidelines. While these guidelines may be viewed as the most significant items to be considered, they represent only a segment of the complete policies and procedures that govern a student’s acceptance into and progression through the Teacher Education Program.

It is the student’s responsibility to be fully aware of, and to comply with, all policies, procedures, and expectations required for admission to, retention in, and exit from the Teacher Education Program. Furthermore, students are responsible for following all policies and procedures related to the process of applying for the Pennsylvania Instructional I teaching certificate.

Enrollment in Field Experiences. Students seeking to enroll in field experience courses will need to complete security clearances and a TB test. The three required clearances are the PA Act 34 (criminal check), the PA ACT 33/151 (child abuse check), and a clearance from the FBI. In order to enroll in TEP 210, students must complete these clearances early in the spring of their first year. Clearances must be submitted to the Teacher Education Program Office prior to registration for this course. All of these clearances have fees which are the responsibility of the student applicant. Detailed information on the clearances, including links to forms, is available on the Teacher Education Program website (www.messiah.edu/teacher).

All 300-level or higher EDUC courses must be taken at Messiah College.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program. All eligible students who intend to pursue a teacher preparation program are required to make formal application for admission to the Teacher Education Program by spring of the sophomore year. Transfer students should contact the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education to determine when they should apply. Admissions decisions are made as complete applications are received.

Admission requirements are established by the Teacher Education Committee in compliance with regulations from the Commonwealth of PA and the Messiah College Teacher Education Program. Messiah College reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant determined to be unqualified for participation in the Teacher Education Program. Three major criteria are evaluated for admission to the Teacher Education Program:

  1. GPA/Academic Performance. Minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for admission. Additionally, students must earn at least a “C–” in the first year seminar (or equivalent course), COMM 105, Fundamentals of Oral Communication (or equivalent course) two college level math courses, and one English literature course. Any course required for the major leading to teacher certification or for the teacher certification program in which a student earns a grade lower than “C–” must be repeated.
  2. Basic Skills Requirement. Students must submit evidence of having met the Basic Assessment required by Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students can meet this requirement with qualifying scores on the SAT/ACT, the PAPA examination, or the ETS Core Assessment. The math module can now be met by earning a B (3.0) or above in EDUC 209. For admission to TEP, scores must meet the passing level established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
  3. Character/Security Clearances. To comply with regulations established by public school districts and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all applicants to the Teacher Education Program must secure clearances as outlined above.. All of these clearances have application fees which are the responsibility of the student applicant. All clearances must be less than one year old at the time of application to the program. Applicants are also screened by the College’s Student Life and Academic Offices to ascertain that individuals are considered to be in good standing with each office and are in compliance with campus guidelines for personal behavior and academic integrity.

Students are advised to consult the Teacher Education Program Handbook for more detailed information and/ or contact the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education with specific questions about admission to the Teacher Education Program.

Retention in the Teacher Education Program. Once admitted, students are considered members in good standing in the Teacher Education Program as long as all of the qualifications and performance standards required for admission to the program are maintained. Students who do not maintain all of the required qualifications and standards will be suspended from the program. Benefits of being admitted and retained in the program include, but are not limited to the following:

Qualification for Continued Study. Students who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program are eligible for advanced level education courses and field experiences. Students must have approved status to enroll in any 300-level EDUC course or any 300-level field-based certification course, regardless of the prefix of the course.

Notification of Teacher Education Program Meetings and Events. Students who are admitted to the Teacher Education Program will automatically receive information about special meetings, informational sessions, application requirements for the Professional Semester, etc. Because much of this information is conveyed by means of email, students are required to access their campus email accounts regularly.

Admission to the Professional Semester. Students apply for admission to the Professional Semester (student teaching semester) during the junior year. All students are expected to file a formal application for admission to the Professional Semester by January 15 of the academic year prior to the one in which the Professional Semester will occur. Students interested in completing part of their student teaching internationally must submit a separate application which is due at the start of the junior year. To be considered for admission, students must:

  • be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (normally occurs during the sophomore year).
  • continue to maintain all academic and character standards as stated in the Teacher Education Program handbook and which were required for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  • successfully complete (grade of C– or higher or faculty endorsement, as noted) the following prerequisite courses:
    1. TEP 210 Sophomore Field Experience (P/F)
    2. EDUC 201 Education and American Society
    3. EDUC 203 Educational Psychology
    4. Upper Level Field Experiences (300/400 level field experiences required for teacher certification) as reported by course instructor or college supervisor.
  • be endorsed for enrollment in the Professional Semester by their academic departments (i.e., the departments in which the academic majors are housed) and faculty in the Professional Core of courses.

Acceptance in the Professional Semester may be revoked if at any time students do not maintain the minimum acceptable level of performance for all admission criteria, including performance in all Professional Semester courses.

Appeals Process. A student may appeal decisions regarding his/her status for Program admission/continuation or Professional Semester admission/continuation as determined by the Teacher Education Program. Any appeal should be articulated in writing within seven days to the Chair of the Teacher Education Committee, clearly stating the nature for the appeal and supporting rationale for consideration of the requested change. Appeals will be processed through the Teacher Education Committee. Decisions regarding the appeals will be relayed to the student verbally and in writing. The decision of the Teacher Education Committee regarding the appeal is final.

Institutional Recommendation for Pennsylvania Teacher Certification (Program Exit Requirements). Students are eligible to be recommended for Pennsylvania Level I Teacher Certification after they have successfully completed all requirements for a Messiah College degree, demonstrated appropriate proficiency in the Professional Semester/student teaching experience, met all required health and character clearances, scored at or above the required level on the mandatory PA exam(s), and have been endorsed for certification by the required offices of the College. Students need to graduate with one of the majors associated with teacher certification in order to be eligible for recommendation for certification. Specific details for certification requirements and related processes are outlined in the Teacher Education Program Handbook. The Assistant Dean of Teacher Education will alert students to the timing and procedures for all testing and documentation required for the certification process. However, it is the student’s responsibility to meet all requirements and deadlines to ensure that the process is executed successfully. Students who are not United States citizens are urged to consult with the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education early in their program regarding their eligibility for Pennsylvania teacher certification and related procedures and policies.

Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Programs. Opportunities to obtain teacher certification  without completing a Messiah College degree are available for those who already possess at least the bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. Such students must first apply for admission to the College (contact the Certification Office for details). If admitted, an individualized certification program will be developed by the Assistant Dean of Teacher Education and the Chair of the Department which houses the major content area in which certification will occur. Admission to the College does not guarantee that the student will be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Post-Baccalaureate Certification students must follow the same policies, procedures, application, and retention expectations as all other students. Once admitted to the College, such students must be continuously enrolled in Messiah College courses. Where applicable, post-bacc certification students may complete their requirements with a combination of undergraduate and graduate courses.

Program learning outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Teacher Education Program can:

  1. Explain the theoretical foundations for teaching and learning.
  2. Describe the foundations of special education.
  3. Articulate a grounded philosophy of education including critical ethical dimensions of being an educator.
  4. Explain and/or apply core information, concepts, and principles in the academic content area(s).
  5. Identify, access, and synthesize research in the field of education including evidence-based practices.
  6. Use knowledge of students in instructional planning and decision-making.
  7. Demonstrate principles of instructional design in instructional planning and assessment.
  8. Demonstrate principles of effective and ethical classroom management.
  9. Demonstrate proficiency in pedagogical and assessment skills.
  10. Identify personal options for employment, voluntary service, and/or graduate education in the field of Education based on knowledge of the field and one’s own strengths and interests.
  11. Demonstrate reflective practice and awareness of professional strengths and weaknesses.
  12. Articulate how faith connects to the field of Education and to potential career options in the field of Education