Ethnic and Area Studies (B.A.) with U.S. Ethnic Studies Concentration

Program Overview

Director: Bernardo Michael

The mission of the Ethnic and Area Studies Major is to develop a multidisciplinary understanding of culture and in-depth knowledge of at least one culture or a cultural/racial/ethnic tradition so that students can apply this knowledge in church and society to become effective agents of social justice and reconciliation. Students take a shared set of courses from multiple disciplines to develop a broad understanding of culture and also choose a concentration in a particular ethnic/geographic area to complete a total of 36 credits. Students are strongly encouraged to seek out appropriate cross-cultural/study abroad experiences in their particular area of study.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Ethnic and Area Studies program can:

  1. Explain theories of culture, ethnicity, race, and identity
  2. Articulate the significance of cultural diversity in America and in other world cultures.
  3. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the historical experiences and contemporary challenges of at least one ethnic/racial/cultural group or of the culture associated with a specific area of the world
  4. Identify the sources of cultural conflict and employ means of resolving cultural conflict.
  5. Identify and explain Christian theological understandings of culture and cultural diversity and will be able to articulate their own theological understanding of these areas.

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

COMM 342Intercultural Communication


HEAS 490Senior Thesis


SOCI 212Cultural Anthropology


SOCI 335Social Conflict, Justice and Peacemaking


SOCI 356Social Inequality


THEO 223Global Christian Theology


HEAS 490: Fulfills Writing Enriched course requirement for major.

Three credits from the following:

HIST 324European Imperialism and its Legacies: 1500 to Present


POLI 320Ethnic and Racial Politics in America


U.S. Ethnic Studies Concentration (15)

15 credits from the following:

EDUC 346Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Education


ENGL 154Introduction to Ethnic Literatures of the United States



ENGL 330American Literature before 1900


ENGL 340American Literature After 1900


HDFS 386Family Ethnicity & Human Services


HIST 351Native American History


HIST 352African-American History Since 1865


HIST 353Immigrant America


HIST 355U.S. Urban History


INTE 391Internship


MUMH 338Studies in Global Music


SOCI 221Native American Cultures


THEO 207African-American Theology


ENGL 340: If focused on U.S. Ethnic Studies

Note: Students are encouraged to seek out appropriate cross cultural/study abroad experiences in their area of study.

QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
First Year Seminar 3
Oral Communication 3
Created and Called for Community (W) 3
Mathematical Sciences 3 or 4
Laboratory Science 3 or 4
Science, Technology & the World 3
Two of the following (six credits total):
   Social Science
   European History
   United States History
Literature 3
Philosophy and Religion 3
Arts 3
First Semester of Language 3
Second Semester of Language 3
Third Semester of Language or Cross Cultural 3
Non-Western Studies (SOCI 212) met/major
Bible 3
Christian Beliefs (THEO 223) met/major
Wellness course 1
Ethics (SOCI 335), World Views or Pluralism met/major
QuEST requirements 46-48
Major requirements (inclusive of concentration) 36
Free electives 41-39
Total credits 123