School of the Arts

Dean: Richard E. Roberson

Administrative Assistant: Deborah Hawkins

Developing artistic passion to positively impact the world.

The School of the Arts fosters excellence through artistic practice and scholarship in a Christian environment. The School of the Arts:

  • trains artists through a balance of discipline and exploration.
  • develops students towards professional artistry and cultivates aesthetic integrity through critical dialogue.
  • grounds students in the history and traditions of their discipline.
  • utilizes historical perspectives as a point of departure for individual growth.
  • engages the student with experiences in and beyond the classroom.
  • collaborates with a wide variety of arts organizations locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • encourages analytical, reflective, and expressive responses to the Christian faith through artistic mediums.
  • orients students to serving the community through the arts.

The following academic departments and programs are housed in the School of the Arts:

  • Department of Music
  • Department of Theatre and Dance
  • Department of Art and Design
  • Digital Media major
  • The Performing Messiah College Performing Arts Series
  • The Messiah College Theatre Season
  • The High Center, Climenhaga, and Aughinbaugh Galleries