Christian Ministries (B.A.) with Youth Ministries Concentration

Program Overview

The major in Christian Ministries primarily prepares women and men for entry-level positions in congregational and para-church ministries. This program can also serve as a foundation for further education in a seminary setting. With its three concentrations, the major incorporates practical elements, but it also requires the student to acquire competency in biblical and theological reflection, which serve as the theoretical foundations for this course of study. Critical thinking and oral and written communication skills are also stressed.

The Congregational Ministries concentration provides the student with a broad course of study focusing on the diverse aspects of congregation-based work.

The Cross-Cultural Ministries concentration provides the student with skills and perspectives for intercultural service opportunities and partnerships with congregations world-wide and para-church mission organizations.

The Youth Ministries concentration provides the student with general orientation to ministry as well as focused study in the area of youth work.

In addition to meeting the major’s curricular requirements, all Christian Ministries majors are required to participate in the Department’s Fitness for Ministry program-cocurricular activities and expectations that assess and increase students’ fitness to pursue careers in Christian ministry. Program requirements include mandatory participation in spiritual formation groups during the sophomore and senior years, and the development and maintenance of a ministry portfolio that will be reviewed regularly by department faculty members. For more information on the Fitness for Ministry program, visit the Department website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates from Messiah’s Christian Ministry program can:

  1. Develop skills at using theological methods to construct and evaluate theological arguments
  2. Develop academic skills necessary for interpreting and applying the biblical text
  3. Describe basic theologies and practices of Christian spirituality
  4. Develop a theological and practical foundation for the ministry/mission
  5. Demonstrate proficient writing for Christian Ministries
  6. Demonstrate competency in teaching in ministry
  7. Develop competencies for ministry through practical ministry experience
  8. Discover employment, voluntary service, and/or graduate opportunities in their chosen discipline
  9. Articulate the connections between Christian faith commitments and the academic study of faith and/or ministry.

Major Requirements

Complete the following for your major:

BIBL 202Encountering the Bible for Majors


BIBL 233Old Testament Literature for Majors


BIBL 237New Testament Literature for Majors


CHRM 099Opportunities in Christian Ministries


CHRM 242Christian Spirituality


CHRM 338Teaching for Christian Ministries


CHRM 493Christian Ministries Seminar


RELI 344History of Christianity


THEO 238Christian Theology I: God and Humanity


THEO 239Christian Theology II:Nature & Mission of the Church


THEO 338Christian Theology III:Peace, Justice & Reconciliation


THEO 239: Fulfills Writing Enriched course requirement for Major.

Three credits from the following:

BIBL 312Selected Old Testament Books


BIBL 313Selected New Testament Books


BIBL 382Topics in Biblical Theology


Youth Ministries Concentration (32)

CHRM 210Theology of Ministry


CHRM 225Field Experience in Christian Ministries


CHRM 235Ministry with Youth I


CHRM 330Organization and Leadership for Ministry


CHRM 336Ministry with Youth II


CHRM 353Topics in Youth Ministries


CHRM 391Practicum


HDFS 311Adolescent Development


RELI 355Christianity in North America


CHRM 391: Must be taken for three credits to satisfy the concentration requirements. CHRM 391 may meet ELI requirement- work closely with advisor to confirm.

Three credits from the following:

CHRM 243Evangelism and Discipleship


CHRM 323Worship


CHRM 342Pastoral Counseling


CHRM 343Introduction to Preaching


Three credits from the following:

HDFS 101Foundations of Marriage & Family


PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology


PSYC 203/EDUC 203Educational Psychology


QuEST Requirements

Experiential Learning requirement 0
QuEST requirements Credits
First Year Seminar3
Oral Communication 3
Created and Called for Community (W)3
Mathematical Sciences 3 or 4
Laboratory Science 3 or 4
Science, Technology & the World 3
Social Science (PSYC 203, HDFS 101 or PSYC 101)met/major
European History or United States History3
Literature 3
Philosophy and Religion 3
Arts 3
First Semester of Language3
Second Semester of Language3
Third Semester of Language or Cross Cultural 3
Non-Western Studies 2 or 3
Bible (BIBL 202)met/major
Christian Beliefs (THEO 238)met/major
Wellness course1
Ethics, World Views or Pluralism (RELI 355)met/major
QuEST requirements42-45
Major requirements (inclusive of concentration)66
Concentration requirements32
Free electives15-12
Total credits 123