Requesting Accommodation for an Emotional Support Animal

A student requesting the assistance of an emotional support animal as a reasonable accommodation and exception to the “no pet” policy must first provide verification to the Office of Accessibility Services that she or he has a qualifying disability and that the animal is needed to fully participate in the College’s educational programs and activities.  The student’s health care provider, who is familiar with the professional literature concerning the assistive and/or therapeutic benefits of assistance animals for people with disabilities, must submit a signed letter on professional letterhead, expressing the following:

  1. A current diagnostic statement that identifies the student’s disability, including date of initial and most current diagnosis, any evaluations/testing that support the diagnosis, and a description of the functional limitation of the disability;
  2. The provider’s opinion that the condition qualifies as a disability under federal law, including the major life activities which are substantially limited by the disability;
  3. Any additional rationale or statement the College may reasonably need to understand the basis for the professional opinion;
  4. The provider must give her/his professional opinion of how the student’s documented disability relates to the necessity of the animal’s presence on campus; and
  5. The provider’s description of the relationship between the disability and the relief the animal provides.

Examples of a “health care provider” may be a therapist/counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, primary care doctor, or nurse. However, other health care providers may be qualified to provide documentation for the student’s disability and need for an emotional support animal.

In addition to the above documentation from a health care provider, the student must provide the following documentation before approval will be granted to utilize an ESA on campus:

  1. Record of License & Registration in Toledo, OH or Youngstown, OH (for canines only)
  2. Record of up-to-date Vaccinations
  3. Record of current Veterinarian Clean Bill of Health
  4. Signed Form 505A- Statement of Acknowledgement of the Emotional Support/Service Animal/Pet Policy
  5. Completed form of Identification of Emotional Support and Service Animal and Emergency Contact/Alternate Caregiver of Animal
  6. A clear photograph of the animal

The required documentation may be mailed, scanned/emailed, faxed, or delivered in person to the Office of Accessibility Services. Contact information is as follows:

Attention: Director of Accessibility Services
2221 Madison Avenue

Toledo, Ohio 43604

Phone: 419-251-1784

Fax: 419-251-1746



The Office of Accessibility Services will review documentation and, if determined that a qualifying disability exists, the Director of Accessibility Services shall meet with the student requesting approval for the ESA. This policy will be carefully reviewed with the student at that time and an interactive dialogue will take place to determine whether or not the animal is a reasonable accommodation, considering alternative accommodations and the impact of the animal on campus. The Director of Accessibility Services reserves the right to request additional clinical information from the professional who provided the initial letter of recommendation for the emotional support animal.

If the accommodation of an emotional support animal cannot be granted, the College will make every reasonable effort to find ways to assist the student in her/his academic progress.

All questions and inquiries should be directed to the Mercy College Office of Accessibility Services at 419-251-1784.