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Equine Management: Training Option, AAS
Program Description
The Associate of Applied Science in Equine Management: Training Option Degree is a hands-on degree designed to provide the student with training skills and techniques necessary for employment in the equine industry. The student will investigate small business practices, advertising, and sales. Program electives allow the student to select additional equine courses to complement their specific interests. The student must supply a horse and western tack for this program.
General Education Requirements
Writing Level I (WR1) |
3 credits |
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) |
3 credits |
3 credits |
Student must complete six (6) credits of General Education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL. |
6 credits |
1 credits |
Program Requirements
Course Requirements
Choose three (3) credits of any MKT:
Program Electives
Choose twelve (12) credits from the following:
EQST 1600 | Training the Barrel Horse | 3 credits |
EQST 1601 | Horse Event Production | 2 - 4 credits |
EQST 1605 | Equine Facility Mgmt I | 3 credits |
EQST 1670 | Training the Roping Horse I | 3 credits |
EQST 2210 | CHA Standard Certification | 3 credits |
EQST 2705 | CHA Equine Facility Mgt Certification | 3 credits |
EQST 2720 | Training the Cutting Horse I | 3 credits |
EQST 2725 | Training the Cutting Horse II | 3 credits |
EQST 2800 | Fundamentals of Teaching Riding I | 3 credits |
EQST 2815 | Fundamentals of Teaching Riding II | 3 credits |
Total Credit Hours: 61