Criminal Justice (B.S.)
The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice is founded on the notion that understanding the causes of crime are fundamental to assessing systems for responding to crime and delinquency. Students examine pressing social issues such as racial profiling, hate crimes, mass shootings, domestic violence, and social ethics. The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice provides students with diverse knowledge that emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking through relevant knowledge of the field and hands on experience. Graduates lead careers in law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole, victim services, law, and are prepared for diverse fields in both the public and private sector as well as graduate education and law school. The curriculum provides students with a core understanding of the causes, consequences, and the control of crime through courses such as criminology, contemporary law enforcement, corrections, criminal law, research methods, victims of crime, drugs & society, and a 200-hour criminal justice internship.
Required Courses
Choose 12 hours from the following: