Challenge to Record

Students may challenge the accuracy of their educational records. Students who believe that their educational records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading, or is otherwise in violation of their privacy or their rights, may discuss their problems informally with the department that generated the record in dispute. If an agreement is reached with respect to the student’s request, the appropriate records will be amended. If an agreement is not reached, the student will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended, and he or she will be informed by the head of that department of his or her right to a formal hearing.

A student’s requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration who, within a reasonable period of time after receiving such requests, will inform the student of the date, place and the time of the hearing. Students may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearings by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys, at the student’s expense. The hearing officer who will adjudicate such challenges will be appointed by the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration in non-academic matters and by the Provost/Vice President for academic affairs in academic matters.

Decisions of the hearing officer will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, will consist of the written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decision of the hearing officer, if the decision is in favor of the student. If the decision is unsatisfactory to the student, the student may place with the education records statements commenting on the information in the records or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the hearing officer, or both.

The statements will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the student’s records and released whenever the records in question are disclosed. Students who believe that the adjudications of their challenges were unfair or not in keeping with the provisions of the Act may request, in writing, assistance from the president of the university.