Graduate Catalog

Nonacademic Code of Conduct Policy


Thomas Edison State University provides distinctive undergraduate and graduate education to self-directed adults through flexible, high quality collegiate learning and assessment opportunities. The University is dedicated to maintaining a scholarly community in which the freedom of expression both written and oral is greatly valued. Members of the University community are expected to interact with each other with respect, consideration, and in a civil manner. Civility requires cooperation, tolerance, acceptance, inclusiveness, courtesy, and patience. It is expressed not only in the words that are chosen, but in tone, demeanor, and actions.


The purpose of this policy is to advise the students of Thomas Edison State University of their responsibilities and expected conduct when interacting with other students, mentors, or staff of the University in nonacademic situations or activities. Furthermore, it provides procedures for filing complaints, investigations, hearings, the range of possible sanctions, and appeals under this policy.

Statement of Responsibilities and Conduct

Students at Thomas Edison State University are expected to be mature, self-directed, and responsible for their progress and the achievement of their personal academic goals. They are expected to know and comply with the policies, rules, and procedures of the University; satisfy their financial obligations; respect University resources; and comply with requests of academic and administrative personnel in the conduct of their professional duties.

Interaction between students and the University is expected to be thoughtful, professional, respectful, and civil. Accordingly, any behavior that threatens or endangers the safety or welfare of members of the University community, or substantially disrupts or threatens to substantially disrupt the operation of the University, is prohibited and shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal from the University. Such prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, harassment, abusive actions, physical threats, and disruptive conduct.