Message from the President
Choosing to earn your graduate degree as an adult is a bold investment in your professional and personal future.
Thomas Edison State University graduate students are often balancing their studies with demanding jobs and career transitions, family responsibilities, and other personal and civic commitments. At Thomas Edison State University, our mission is at the heart of what we do – providing distinctive undergraduate and graduate education for self-directed adults through flexible, high-quality collegiate learning and assessment opportunities. We excel at making your graduate education work with your life.
Inside our Graduate Catalog you will find the academic policies and procedures that will guide your experience at the University, providing details and requirements for each of the graduate degree and certificate programs we offer. This Catalog also includes pertinent information about the learning outcomes and objectives you will achieve once you have completed your program of study as well as information about each of our Schools: the School of Business and Management; the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing and Health Professions; the John S. Watson School of Public Service; the School of Science and Technology; and the Heavin School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education.
I am honored to welcome you to the University community and look forward to supporting you as you achieve your academic and professional goals.
To your success,

Merodie A. Hancock, PhD