Graduate Catalog

About Prior Learning Assessment

NOTE: This option is not approved for Financial Aid or Veterans’ Benefits


Students enrolled in a Thomas Edison State University graduate degree may apply to earn prior learning assessment (PLA) portfolio credit for most courses required by the degree. Portfolio assessment opportunities for Thomas Edison State University courses is based on a student’s demonstration of mastery of the stated learning outcomes. For certain electives, matriculated students may present course descriptions from graduate courses offered at other institutionally accredited colleges or universities as a basis for earning credit through prior learning assessment, subject to the dean’s approval. This policy may be limited by external accrediting bodies or by the nature of the course. Not all graduate degree programs will accept PLA credit. Please check with the individual school’s academic dean regarding whether the degree in question accepts PLA credit. No more than half of the credits required for a graduate degree may be earned through prior learning assessment.

Graduate PLA Course Proposal Forms can be found on the Student Forms page at Office of Prior Learning and must be sent directly to the dean’s office for approval.