Graduate Catalog

IAS-5520 Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Attacks

The impact of a security breach can be devastating to any organization. Information technology (IT) practitioners must have the skills to identify and address system vulnerabilities including weaknesses related to hardware, software, interrelated systems, and personnel. In this course, students will explore current and potential threats to information assets and will develop a comprehensive awareness of prevailing trends in malicious attacks. This course will provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to secure organizational resources and to develop effective methods to detect and monitor internal and external malicious activity. Topics covered in this course include: passive and active attacks, technology audits, physical security, computer security policies, contingency planning, business impact analysis, password management, information warfare, intrusion detection, risk assessment and auditing, operational security, permissions and user rights, service patches, securing network services, and security baseline analyzers. Students will learn to identify threat vectors and to develop strategies for implementing a prioritized, risk-based approach to mitigating security.



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