Department of History

Department Co-Chairs: Bernardo Michael and David Pettegrew
Administrative Assistant: Allyson Patton
Professors: J. Fea, J. Huffman, J. LaGrand, B. Michael, D. Pettegrew, N. Wilson

Majors and Minors

The Department of History offers the following majors:

History (B.A.) with concentrations in:

Administrative Studies

American History

Classical and Medieval European History

Modern European History

Public History

World History

History w/Secondary Social Studies Teaching Certification

The Department of History offers the following minors:

Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies and History

The Department of History provides a wide range of course offerings in American, European, and World History. In addition, the Department faculty place a strong emphasis on the cultivation of specific skills and career-related abilities such as critical thinking, high quality written and oral communication, and methods of research.

At Messiah College the academic study of history is also grounded in the Christian liberal arts tradition, and as such it promotes life-long learning and historical reflection on today’s society and culture.

In addition to course offerings, the Department offers many enrichment opportunities for majors—including working with professors on research projects; internships with museums, historical archives, and governmental agencies; study semesters around the world; and teaching in local schools. Students enjoy the benefit of studying in several learning environments, creatively connecting the past to the present.

Graduates from this Department are prepared to enter a variety of professions and occupations from collegiate and secondary level teaching, museums, archives, historic preservation, public history, and journalism to government service, law, business administration and management. The discipline of history develops analytical, communication, and organizational skills that prepare students for a broad range of careers.